Misinterpreted Body Languages Of Women

Saturday, September 19, 2009
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Well we have already understood that men and women say things differently through their body language. So let’s continue the journey and see how the women’s body language is easily misunderstood by men. Understanding women body language is an art and that’s what we are going to unravel here.
Your girl raises her eyebrows and purse her lips in a cold and sarcastic way saying ‘I am fine’ when she is actually fuming.
The Truth: any girlfriend of hers will easily understand this body language. She is in a bad mood and she is just trying to control her anger. But the man just can’t understand these unspoken hints. He has only heard the words, ‘I am fine’ and will accept only that. He takes things on the face value. So when you say that everything is ok then he accepts that.

The Solution: girls are not comfortable at getting harsh at each and every situation. They want to keep things polite. But your guy can handle this. Guys are more straightforward by nature and they expect you to be so also. And if it is not possible to blurt things out, like he shouts that you have spent exaggerating too much on your dress (of course he didn’t get that death cold stare) then keep it for later. Once the both of you are a bit alone then slip a small hint saying that you will discuss that comment later. He will get the clue and try to do something in his rescue. Men are good at solving problems so let them clean up their own mess this time.
You cozy up to him and rub his leg. But he thinks it is his lucky hot night.
The Truth: simply blame it on biology. Men read simple sexual intention into all kinds of body language. Even if you smile warmly maintaining a steady eye contact it may seem suggestive to a man. So any physical touch of course gets all types of ideas in his head. To him this body language suggests that you are in the mood.

The Solution: if you just want to cuddle and feel close to him, then avoiding touching the lower part of the body, especially with your hands. So how about leaning against him, squeezing his hand or putting your arm around his shoulder instead. You can also subtly hint that though you are not up for sex you would love some physical contact. Show that you crave closeness.
When you look completely blank and expressionless he gets into a panic state.
The Truth: it is generally a fact that women smile much more than men. Even if there is no occasion to smile we give a strained approval. And when all of a sudden the face goes blank he gets all nervous and assumes that he must have done something awfully wrong to upset you this much. So then you don’t have much of a choice but to give those plastic smiles to put him at ease.

The Solution: before he gets all panicky and confused, hold his hand and let him know that you are simply relaxing. That way he is assured that he has not done anything wrong and you are not pissed out. So sit back and relax all you want.

So fellows, now we know how easily the body language can be misinterpreted. Read each other’s body language and see your relationship grow in a new light.

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