Is the Zodiac Signs Compatibility a Fact or Fiction?

Thursday, October 22, 2009
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It falls more in the category of metaphysics, the study of that which is beyond the physical. It's similar to other fields that are founded on ancient theories of energy patterns, like feng shui, acupuncture and yoga. Astrology at high levels is a mastery of its particular science and the intuitive arts. As the earliest known ordering of existence, long before recorded history, it's been called the "Mother of all Sciences."

Zodiac sign compatibility might seem a bit ludicrous to some individuals but for others it is a way of determining a person's psychological and social make-up. They look for certain characteristics in a potential love interest or they want to see if their partner is compatible with their own sign.

Zodiac signs compatibility is serious business for astrologers. Their predictions can make or break some romances just based on a few sentences.

That is the power in which some people place their faith. You have to make the determination about whether or not it is fact or fiction, with regard to how it affects your life.

Let's take for example the zodiac sign Cancer and the zodiac sign Aquarius. These two people, according to astrologists, are not a good match at all. The person born under Aquarius is very aloof and wants to retain their independence and creative spirit. However, the person born under Cancer is more of a homebody and wants to be close.

This can smother Aquarius who does not understand Cancer's sentimentality. On the other hand, the zodiac sign Cancer and the zodiac sign Taurus do make a perfect match because both want the same commitment from a mate, as well as a commitment to their home life. They work together to create and foster an atmosphere of comfort and security in one another.

If you do find someone special and your zodiac sign compatibility is not right for each other, yet you still like that person, then do not worry about compatibility horoscopes. For every naysayer on the internet who remains steadfast in their belief that certain signs do not belong together, there is someone who does.

There are far more important things to worry about in a relationship other than astrology compatibility. The zodiac signs compatibility is more like a suggestion than something actually rooted in science.

It matters more that you and your partner love each other than whether or not the signs are properly aligned in the sky. Take anything about astrology or your horoscope with a grain of salt, as sometimes there is more fiction than fact.
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