What is Planning, Strategy and Decision Making in Forex Trading

Sunday, October 04, 2009
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Forex is one of the international trading and its putting on the stage of the world. As long as there is international trade such as banking, technology, communication, industrial, and etc, there will be a forex market. International trade among countries create forex markets. For instance, a businessman sell products in United States and able to receive Pounds in exchange of U.S. Dollar.

Planning and Strategy is a must to learn when dealing with international trade. Trading in Forex is possible to make plenty of money. Different traders use different trading tactics or strategy in order to make profit immensely. With 10% of the daily turnover of volume which is coming from banks, government and various multinational corporate who need to hedge, the other 90% is for speculation and profit.

Essentially, like the interbanks who use the currency market to guard themselves from the floating exchange rate of different currency pairs. As a trader or an investor, what you need to do is to simultaneously exchanging one countries currency for another. In the nutshell, they're trading a currency-pair and the price that is quoted to us is the exchange rate between the two currencies. Exchange rate is somehow depends on economic, news, and other related circumstances.

When you are entering the currency market, please don’t forget to put a market stop order on every trade. It is always not recommended to alter by lowering the stop order price. Make sure traders should understand the front to back of Forex market. Don’t trade blindly. If the analysis is wrong, Forex traders should stop the market when the thread move to a worst line.

A smart Forex trader has to draw a worst line for every trade, and stack up the decision on the certain worst line prior to implement the trading. If the analysis is not as expected, Forex traders should decide whether need to increase trading in different situation. However, a good practice is to list down the decision on different margin level before worst margin line. Forex traders need to be self-conscious of trading mistake, and never do same mistake twice. Analysis tools only help to analyze the probability of trade signal trend. To trade real time, traders must emphasize on planning, strategy, decision making. By learning chart and trend line, you will have at least 40% confident level on every trade.

To involve in Forex trading, you must similarly prime your mind to get ideas flowing. The various ideas in your mind are stored in a hierarchical structure. Information is stored together in a group, depending on its meaning. It's hard to bring information about that topic into consciousness when you aren't thinking of a particular topic; it depends on their stagnant and hidden. When you put effort to think carefully about a specific topic, or a closely related topic, and start running through a bunch of possibilities, all kinds of new possibilities become transparent. Various concepts and ideas, almost unconsciously are scan through your mind. This wealth of information combines will create a new.

For example, suppose you get an indefinite trading idea about how a set of indicators may forecast the price of a particular stock. Once you get the basic idea in your mind, you can prime your mind to get the creative juices flowing. For instant, scan a set of charts to back test and find support for your hypothesis. Once you look through the charts, you will prompt to other related information after seeing at the information. Yet the idea soon will leak out, and you'll make a new discovery as this is a basis for a new trading strategy.

The main point is that you must set your thinking processes to create a new idea. When you put on a trade, you have the attention to starts on focus, your senses are heightened, and your perspective will change until you see new ideas. The more ideas you will create new discoveries when the more your mind is active. It is helpful when knowing about the creative process and how to set it in motion gives you power.

Unable to think creatively is the reason brings some people down. Actually they can, they just need to know how to do it. To think creatively, it's vital to be relaxed and free of anxiety. It is also essential to prime your mind in order to start the process. When it’s the time to think of a new trading idea, think creatively. Processing the creative in motion may help you come up with a big idea that will make you huge profits.

As a Forex trader, you must be able to calculate risk and taking losses, if can’t accept, better don’t trade. Risk means Reward, you do like to accept volatility and risk cheerfully. Drawdowns are a part of trading; Forex trading fun and highly profitable because of the volatile markets. As you become the well-informed Forex trader, a drawdown is not something to fear, but something to enjoy. Volatility makes a big opportunity!
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