
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
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Numerology is the art of building up relationships between the numbers and the characteristics of the person. These numbers are evolved from some relevant events like the date or day of birth of an individual or the associated aspects like the name of an individual. Numerology helps in predicting the future of the person and calculating all the important happenings in the life of a person with the help of numbers.

The art of Numerology is based on the study of numbers. The nine numbers used in constructing numerology charts are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. Each alphabetical letter has also been assigned a numeric value that provides a related vibration. Our name and date of birth reflects our inner personality.

The other important dates and numbers in our lives are connected with our deepest inner being in such a way that we cannot easily decipher it. But with the help of numerological principles the mystery can be unlocked ;).
Fundamental Principle
The fundamental principle of Numerology is that the entire universe is an orderly system and Numbers are used to represent this orderliness. Numerology  is a metaphysical science that has more than 5000 years of history and much research has been put into it. Yet it remains a mystery for many.

Numerology motivates, inspires and elevates the person involved. It gives the mental make-up of ones own self. It can be very beneficial in many areas of your life. It helps us to name a new-born baby, helps couples to understand each other better, is an excellent guide when an important career move is to be made, warns us of turbulent times in our lives, etc.

Find out relationships between the numbers and the characteristics: The Romance Numerology
    Ancient science and philosophy
    The ancient science of Numerology uses the number values from your name and date of birth as a means to self revelation.

    Numerology is both a science and a philosophy, developed by Pythagoras over 2,500 years ago. In numerology, numbers are treated differently to mathematics, in that they have a quality associated with them as opposed to just a measurement of quantity.

    Numerology is still just as relevant today as it was to the ancient philosophers. It is not "magic by numbers" but a serious tool to understand what makes each of us tick.

    These are just some of the areas in which numerology can help you and can point the way for the future life you want to have.
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