What To Look For In A Forex Book

Thursday, March 18, 2010
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There is no doubt about it, forex books are very useful for the new currency trader and equally for traders who want to improve their skills with new strategies. There is a very wide variety of currency trading training resources available both online and offline these days including members-only websites, forums, online courses, seminars, conferences and even one-on-one tutoring from an experienced mentor. But there are times when a good old fashioned book is just the thing that you need.

No matter whether your currency trading book is published on paper or downloaded as an ebook, it can be the best way to learn in many circumstances. It wins over other options on both convenience and price.

You can open it up whenever you need it. You can re-read it whenever you want, repeating the more advanced passages and exercises as many times as you need to before everything is fully absorbed so that it becomes like second nature. You can also schedule your training sessions for times to suit your life.

Another advantage of forex books is that you save time by skipping over the things you already know. If you have any experience at all, going over the basics can waste a lot of your time in training that is based around seminars or even audio or video sessions online while you wait for everyone else to be shown the techniques that you have already mastered.

There are new books on forex being published almost every week, so it is useful to know what to look for and how to pick out the best. Just as with any other market where money is involved, you need to know how to identify and stay clear of any scams that you might come across. The old rule is very valid here and you may want to post it up on the side of your computer as you browse for books online: "If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is!"

Having said that, the currency trading market is a place where you can expect to find a certain amount of hype. Do not be too quick to make negative judgments just because a book or ebook is advertised with a fair amount of hard sell. Remember the advertising copy is probably written by a professional copywriter, not the author of the book.

So you can safely ignore most of the hype in the promotional advertisements and look for the things that you really need to know. These are:
  1. What areas of expertise are covered in the book.
  2. Whether it is right for you, i.e. whether it is aimed at people of your skill and experience level.
  3. What are the benefits that you personally can hope to gain from it.
The first of these should be very clear from the advertising. If it is not, try asking to view the contents index of the book. The other two points will require a closer reading of the promotional material keeping your own individual situation in mind.

If you can take a look inside the book you will soon see whether it is well written. You are looking for something that is down to earth, logical and practical. Professional presentation and editing is a good sign of a reputable and successful author or publisher. If you are a beginner you will want step by step information. In any case, hyped up language inside the book itself is definitely a warning signal.

Another thing that you should do before getting a book or ebook, even if you plan to buy in a book store, is to do internet searches on the book title and author name. Look for any news stories about the author. Is he or she a successful real life trader, or just someone hoping to make money from a lucrative trend? You need to be sure that the information in a currency trading book is good before you risk real money on the strategies it suggests.

You can also look for reviews written by buyers who are actually using the information they have learned successfully. It is true that some of these may earn a commission on sales of the book but a good review will help you figure out whether the book is right for beginner, intermediate or advanced traders, and how it fits your idea of what you need to know from forex books.
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