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The Romance Numerology

Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Wouldn't it be good if you could see someone's "romance factor" before you say yes to that first date?

Look beyond the preliminary "chat up" routines and tell whether there is any staying power in the "romance and passion" or whether romance will get ditched as soon as they have got their feet under your table!

Numerology can give you a few clues to the underlying trend and maybe help you to spot the "learned patter" from the "true intent".

First some math's, using the date of birth. This will give an indicator of core values, from the sum of all it's numbers ie the Ruling Number. So for an example 13/9/1967 gives a ruling number of 1+3+9+1+9+6+7=36. The 3 and 6 are then added together to make 9 the ruling number for this particular birth date.

So, who are the Romeos in numerology? Which numbers suggest a suitor will serenade their Juliet on the balcony? Or, which numbers tell you that your man is the strong, silent, rugged type who would feel more comfortable climbing Everest than tackling the challenge of a perfume counter or lingerie store.

Alternatively, if you are looking for your Miss Right and not sure whether you are going to end up with the princess as your prize or the dragon, read on.

Here is what the ruling numbers can tell you about your mate.
Ruling Number 1 — The Independent Type.
HIM — Whatever his interests, he will be happiest doing things his way. If you are happy for him to lead the way, then he probably won't mind if you tag along — stay or go probably won't make much difference to him and yes, he'll most likely be the one climbing Everest! You will probably need to remind him of anniversaries though, because his thoughts will ever be onwards and upwards.

HER — She has an indepent streak, but is also so good at fitting in, you may not notice — at first. Wisdom comes with age, along with assertiveness, so be prepared to move over later on in life when she has finally made up her mind which way she actually wants to go and steps in to take over the reins.
Ruling Number 2 — The Empathic Sponge.
HIM — He will be much more in touch with his feminine side and be highly intuitive — will know when it is time to duck and when to run for cover. He will generally sense when you are feeling down and will probably join in with your mood swings. On the whole will be happy in partnerships or letting others lead the way.

HER — Just take her hand gently and she will follow you to the ends of the earth. She is sensitive to her environment and every one else's feelings around her, so protect her from all those big, bad, nasty things out there and you will go far in this relationship. Remember though, that that also includes your bad tempers and moods — she'll only soak it all up and give it back to you again.
BOTH — Ideal gifts would be a weekend retreat for 2 or a romantic meal.
Ruling Number 3 — The Fun Lover.
HIM — Laugh a minute, good time all round. He will often be the life and soul of the party and a true comedian. But don't cross him, because he could also have a temper that might kick like a mule! Gifts will vary from the sublime to the ridiculous, they will not be ordinary although may be forgotten — oops, sorry I forgot the time I was enjoying myself so much!

HER — A happy socialite and whose anthem might be "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun!". Vivacious, flirtacious — catch me if you can! However, remember that there are 2 sides to every coin and that much fun on one side is a measure of how much trouble it might cost if you upset her.
Ruling Number 4 — Let's Get Physical!
HIM — Often! Is this a man or an octopus? Down to earth and big on the security of material things. Won't respond well to change and won't understand mood swings. Will have a very practical approach to gifts — you can be sure whatever he buys you, will be useful, maybe valuable, but unlikely to be imaginative.

HER — Love is real when it is physical and she'll want to get her hands on you — there is no doubt. When she's frisking you though, it is as much for the measure of your wallet as your personal assets. Not necessarily a gold digger, but there is a whole package that she is considering and long term security is big on her agenda. Practical gifts are especially valued.
Ruling Number 5 — Here Today, Gone Tomorrow.
HIM — It was good while it lasted, but "don't hem me in". Mr Freedom, will love to travel, will always have a new horizon to reach and new fields to explore. Like a bar of soap, he'll slip through your fingers the tighter you squeeze. Most likely gift would be a postcard saying "wish you were here!"

HER — Like a butterfly — flitting from flower to flower. She has so much love to give, it can be easily stifled if not given enough freedom to embrace all her wishes and desires. Her gift to you is herself, while ever she is with you.
Ruling Number 6 — The Home Lover.
HIM — He will just slot right in with his feet under your table, his socks in your laundry basket and just love to be loved. Creative and romantic, happy to stay in and watch TV with his loved one — he may get so close you'll "wear him", so if and when you decide you've had enough, you'll need a crow bar to lever him out!

HER — Her reason to BE is family — children, spouse, parents, siblings — in about that order. She will take care of everyone and live her life through them. If you find it difficult to have one breath for two people then you may feel a bit stifled (but very, very, well looked after) with this one — your choice!
Ruling Number 7 — The Learner.
HIM — Will want to experience everything, all ways and every way. Will try so hard to impress, he'll likely fall flat at your feet. If there are 2 ways to do a thing, you can bet he will take the longest route, the hardest path, the most costliest experience and spend hours with his shrink sorting out where he went wrong with it all. Life and gifts will be varied, and he'll say it with flowers ("Sorry" the most frequent greeting).

HER — Like him, she'll tend towards doing things the hard way and more likely to take several attempts to find her Mr Right. If you meet her early on in life, expect to get dropped as she discovers that you don't actually meet her criteria for "knight in shining armour" status. She will no doubt have to try on many "glass slippers" anyway before she finds one to fit.
Ruling Number 8 — I am in Control!
HIM — It's my way or no way! He'll know the value of a dollar and exactly how much is in his wallet — this one's not likely to be frivolous or flash his hard earned money around. You won't experience the champagne lifestyle with this fish — too much fizz and not enough substance (even if he has got pots in the bank). Gifts will be measured — but when you do strike it lucky it could be with gold or diamonds (something definitely value for money).

HER — She has a keen eye for a bargain and profitable financial investments, but will know how to spend yours. She may love you very deeply, but don't go all mushy on her and expect flowery sentiments in return. Straight to the point gestures such as with a diamond ring will say much more than mere words can express.
Ruling Number 9 — The Crusader.
HIM — He's a real lion heart. Romantic ideals will drive this knight who will succumb to every hard luck story and crusade. You'll never be rich, but you can be happy in the knowledge of the many people that have benefited from his kindness, of the whales that have been saved and the forests re-grown due to his humanitarian efforts. Gifts? Well, you'll probably need to lend him the money because all his went on worthy causes.

HER — She probably has scuff marks down her back — she has laid down so many times for others to walk all over her, that she easily gets mistaken for the doormat. If you're looking for a housekeeper, a replacement for your mother, and generally some one to pick up after you, you found an easy catch with this one — her love of service to others will time and again have her doing your bidding. However, there is no such thing as a free lunch and how she extracts payment from you will usually be too subtle for you to understand.


Numerology is the art of building up relationships between the numbers and the characteristics of the person. These numbers are evolved from some relevant events like the date or day of birth of an individual or the associated aspects like the name of an individual. Numerology helps in predicting the future of the person and calculating all the important happenings in the life of a person with the help of numbers.

The art of Numerology is based on the study of numbers. The nine numbers used in constructing numerology charts are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. Each alphabetical letter has also been assigned a numeric value that provides a related vibration. Our name and date of birth reflects our inner personality.

The other important dates and numbers in our lives are connected with our deepest inner being in such a way that we cannot easily decipher it. But with the help of numerological principles the mystery can be unlocked ;).
Fundamental Principle
The fundamental principle of Numerology is that the entire universe is an orderly system and Numbers are used to represent this orderliness. Numerology  is a metaphysical science that has more than 5000 years of history and much research has been put into it. Yet it remains a mystery for many.

Numerology motivates, inspires and elevates the person involved. It gives the mental make-up of ones own self. It can be very beneficial in many areas of your life. It helps us to name a new-born baby, helps couples to understand each other better, is an excellent guide when an important career move is to be made, warns us of turbulent times in our lives, etc.

Find out relationships between the numbers and the characteristics: The Romance Numerology
    Ancient science and philosophy
    The ancient science of Numerology uses the number values from your name and date of birth as a means to self revelation.

    Numerology is both a science and a philosophy, developed by Pythagoras over 2,500 years ago. In numerology, numbers are treated differently to mathematics, in that they have a quality associated with them as opposed to just a measurement of quantity.

    Numerology is still just as relevant today as it was to the ancient philosophers. It is not "magic by numbers" but a serious tool to understand what makes each of us tick.

    These are just some of the areas in which numerology can help you and can point the way for the future life you want to have.

    Element Compatibility

    Thursday, November 05, 2009
    Zodiac signs can be broken down into the elements of Fire, Air, Water and Earth. If one learns the characteristics of these elements, he/she will understand, which signs share common features and with whom they are more compatible. This whole aspect simplifies the working of astrology and mystery behind the zodiac sign love match.
    The Earth
    Earth and Earth
    It showcases a powerful partnership which builds great future and fortune to lead a successful life together.

    Earth and Air
    The Earth is for stability and balance, and those with the air elements are best talkers and communicators. The earth keeps the air grounded and in return the air gives earth a chance to fly free and express.

    Earth and Water
    The water element has the ability to get Earth in touch with its real emotions.

    Earth and Fire
    Earth will pave the perfect platform to fulfill the dreams and the ideas of the fire element.
    The Air
    Air and Air
    If there's a true meeting of the intellectual minds, it has to be a pair of air signs. It will flourish through an open and honest exchange of thoughts.
    Air and Water
    Air and water will have an instant emotional connection. They will make a great team and fusion of their powers will bring impressive changes. Water will help air to be more emotionally expressive.

    Air and Fire
    They complement each other well and their energy and ideas will bring about great changes in their lives.
    The Water
    Water and Water
    The pair of water element will make a deep bond and support each other well.

    Water and Fire
    Water will add calmness to the fire element. Be cautious, as in a relationship one element will try to overpower the other.
    The Fire
    Fire and Fire
    It’s a union of two dominant signs, so strike a right balance to keep the relationship going strong. A pair of two fire signs is bound to bring an adventurous combination.

    The Element of Water

    The Element of Water is associated with the Signs Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. The watery words flow with this Element: fluid, flowing, wavering. These terms can easily apply to an individual's emotions, which are exactly the realm in which Water exerts its influence.

    Water Signs are intuitive, sensitive and feel more intensely than the rest. They are emotional and nurturing and, like a river, run deep. How things feel is what matters to these folks, and they base their actions on sense, rather than on logic or intellect. Water is also about compassion and understanding, since the receptive talents of these individuals are remarkably high. Water Sign people can take in the feelings of others, process them, and put forth a plan or solution that will be conscientious to all.

    Those graced by Water love to take their sense of the world and translate it into the artistic. They desire aesthetic beauty — and for everyone to be happy as a result of that beauty. Much like still water can become stagnant, however, an inactive Water Sign person is not a Water Sign person at their best. Water Signs feel most fulfilled when they are helping others, and they do so in an enchanting, considerate and even romantic way.

    The flip side of this dreamy Water world is the tendency of these individuals to brood. Water Signs are susceptible to mood swings, and, at their worst, they could become self-indulgent, controlling and hostage to a fantasy world. This also brings up the ability of these folks to see things more clearly than others. Call it psychic, if you will.

    Water Signs are emotional, empathetic, receptive and feel things deeply. Alternately calm like the sea or possessing the force of a torrential rain, the emotions brought forth by this Element are plentiful, indeed.

    Those who have many planets in water signs tend to be highly intuitive, able to discern the emotions, needs and motivations of others. Water people are compassionate and inclined to care for the physically sick and the emotionally damaged. They can be very self-sacrificing on behalf of those they care about, or in some cases, even strangers.

    Sensitive and easily hurt, water people often develop a tough outer shell to hide their vulnerability. They are passionate in their attachments to people and prone to jealousy. Because they are idealistic, their perceptions of people may gloss over many of their faults and as a result, they can be deceived.

    Water people are sensual and creative. Given the right environment and opportunity, they can produce art, music, literature, or in some cases, inventions or scientific ideas, that have a profound effect on others.

    The Element of Air

    The Element of Air is attached to the Signs Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. It is rarefied air which usually surrounds those graced by this Element, as this is the marker of the intellectual. Airy people are smart thinkers and handle abstract reasoning well. They love to analyze, synthesize and probe. Do you have a dilemma? Hand it over to an Air Sign and watch them go to work.

    Air Signs are also about communication. These individuals want to get the word out, and it's not likely to be fluff. They are alert, curious and perceptive. The world as seen by an Air Sign will be an interesting one, as their analysis and subsequent explanation (hopefully in terms we can understand) will indicate. Those influenced by Air are inventive and clever. They see all sides of the equation and are able to glean the best approach. Balance is important to these airy folk.

    So, are Air Signers fresh as a summer breeze or howling like the wind? Probably both, depending on when you catch them. While these folks are often cool, calm and collected, they can turn cold if their equilibrium is upset. A word to the wise: there's little upside in baiting an Air Sign.

    Another plus with Air is that it manifests itself in a most humane way. Those influenced by Air can truly wear another's shoes, as it were. They are objective, cooperative and really want to help make a better world. There's no prejudice with these folks, just a bright and shiny idealism which can accomplish much.

    Air Signs are communicative, intellectual, clever and fair. They can blow hot and cold, though, so beware of a chilly draft!

    Those who have a lot of planets in air signs tend to be intellectual in outlook rather than emotional, which can lead some to view them as insensitive. They are logical, rational and detached by nature, which enables them to be open-minded and non-judgmental in most cases. Air people tend to be friendly and sociable.

    Air people are adaptable, mentally flexible and easy going. They tend not to blow up at people in an anger-provoking situation, as they are more inclined to analyze circumstances than to react passionately. They are also easily bored, and need a diverse array of social companions, hobbies and other entertainments. Air people usually love change and tend to be experimental and open to new experiences. Impulsivity and curiosity often leads them to make impractical decisions or squander their money.

    The Element of Earth

    The Element of Earth is attached to the Signs Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. All the earthy metaphors are appropriate here: salt of the Earth, feet firmly planted on the ground and so forth. Those graced by an Earth Sign in their horoscope are practical, grounded and dependable. These folks aren't taking big risks, much preferring a sure thing.

    Much like the Elements are considered the building blocks in nature, Earth Signs are the builders of the zodiac. To these Signs, creation is a tangible proposition. Whether it's building jobs or homes, or creating comfortable rooms within that home through the acquisition of possessions, Earth Signers are about all what is solid around us. Those influenced by this Element feel best once they have accumulated a goodly number of worldly possessions. The risk inherent in this, however, is that these individuals may become greedy and far too materialistic.

    The Element of Earth also confers a sense of duty, responsibility and reliability to those in its sphere. These are the people you can count on to be there when you need them. Those influenced by Earth also tend toward caution and conservatism, in both desire and approach. That said, they are sensualists, certainly in that they appreciate a good meal and fine wine better than anyone else.

    The logical mind of an Earth Signer is always appreciated. In keeping with this measured approach, these folks also display considerable recuperative powers. On the flip side of things, however, those supported by Earth may be so caught up in their objectives that they might overlook the feelings of others. It is a big picture, after all, but these folks may be more concerned with the finish line than the journey they are taking.

    Earth Signs are dependable, practical and conservative, yet fairly materialistic. They have their feet on the ground but their eyes on the prize.

    Those who have many planets in earth signs tend to be responsible, reliable and trustworthy. They can usually be counted on to provide stability and practical help. They are loyal to their friends and not inclined to be fickle, though when someone crosses them, they can be quite ruthless in cutting that person out of their lives forever. Sane, reasonable and diplomatic, those whose charts are weighted toward earth are slow to anger but also slow to forgive, tending to hold grudges.

    Those with a preponderance of earth in their charts tend to be physically strong and high in endurance. Although passionate and sensible, they are generally reasonable unless severely provoked. They are inclined to achieve success through hard work, and their innate cautiousness, fear of change and need for security keeps them from making rash decisions or gambling excessively, though it can also cause them to miss opportunities or get into ruts. While not exceptionally innovative, they have good follow-through, and are able to finish what they start.

    The Element of Fire

    The Element of Fire is associated with the Signs Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. As one would expect, those graced by Fire are fiery, indeed. They are enthusiastic and sometimes larger than life. Just like a fire that is left untended, however, Fire Signs can burn out of control. Ouch! It's best to tend those embers.

    A Fire Sign is also an indicator of creativity. This Element manifests itself in creative and unique ways, and those in its glow are also wonderfully courageous, lively spirits. Those influenced by a Fire Sign are self-sufficient, spontaneous and possess a tremendous zest for life.

    It also stands to reason that a combustible Fire Signer would be ardent in the game of love. Yes, these are the sexiest Signs of the Zodiac, knowing they are the cat's meow and climbing ever higher in the name of love. To their credit, those touched by Fire are often an inspiration to others, certainly for their adherence to solid moral and religious ideals.

    If there's a flip side to the Element of Fire, it can be that those who bear its will can be overly strident in getting their way. Call it bossy, even. These folks can come across rather forcefully. Selfishness and an overdeveloped ego can also be seen as part of a fiery individual's shadowy side.

    Fire Signs are strong, self-assured, creative and fun. When they get too hot to touch, though, it may be a good idea to stand back!

    Those who have a lot of planets in fire signs tend to be courageous, enterprising and confident. Their love of excitement causes them take risks and they are often extravagant or careless with money. Fire people are generous to a fault, idealistic and helpful. They are quick to anger but also quick to forgive. Fire people are usually honest, in many cases to the point of bluntness or tactlessness.

    Fire people are energetic and often athletic. They are assertive and in some cases aggressive or argumentative. Impulsivity can lead to poor decisions, financial disasters and unnecessary conflict. Extroverted and easily bored, they seek attention and tend to be affectionate and friendly.

    The Four Elements

    What are the Elements?:

    The four elements — earth, air, water and fire — are the very elements (or energies) of life. Since long before written history, there's been an understanding of the elemental balance needed to sustain life. Many indigenous traditions honor the sacred circle, formed by the four elements, and seen in the Zodiacal wheel.

    Elements and Astrology:

    In your own birth chart, the mix of elements shows you what you're working with in this life. Your cosmic blueprint may be heavy on the fire, but lack earth to ground you. Each element behaves differently, and is one of three qualities — how these mix in your chart, taking into account the planet and house placement, shines more light on your nature and life lessons.

    Who began to group the signs by Elements?:

    In recorded history, Ptolemy is credited with making the association between the four elements and the signs of astrology in the 2nd Century AD. Using longstanding theories of the four elements, he assigned three signs to each element. The Greek philosophers found the four elements in all of life, and their Zodiacal wheel of cosmic energies reflected that balance.

    What do the signs of a certain Element have in common?:

    Fire, Air, Earth, and Water, the four elements, sometimes called the Triplicities, play an important part in astrology. The term triplicities comes from the fact that there are three signs associated with each of the four elements. Here are the signs divided by element:
    • Earth.....Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
    • Air.....Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
    • Water....Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
    • Fire.....Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius
    • Earth signs: the body, practical, sensual, grounded
    • Air signs: the mind, intellectual, ideas, detached, social, conceptual
    • Water signs: the emotions, imaginative, nurturing, introverted
    • Fire signs: the spirit, inspired, energy, instinctual, outgoing, active

    Element Compatibility: Zodiac signs can be broken down into the elements of Fire, Air, Water and Earth. If one learns the characteristics of these elements, he/she will understand, which signs share common features and with whom they are more compatible.
    When these elements are translated as personality traits or temperament, they become important features of the delineation. Here are brief readings of each of the four elements and delineations of a situation when one's chart contains two of the elements having similar strength. For the few who have a balance in elements, the concepts of elements should be considered balanced.  That is they tend to reflect common sense (earth), action orientation (fire), thinking and communication skills (air), and the ability to feel and intuitively know (water) in reasonable proportion and don't rely overly on any of these traits at the expense of another.

    Just as it is important to observe the element that is strongest in the chart, it is also important to note the element, if any, that is not significantly represented in the horoscope. A reading, that may be appropriate when such an absence is noted, is also provided below.

    Many astrologers consider the element of each of the planets when determining which of the elements may be more significant in a horoscope. My method for evaluating the strength of an element in a birth chart is to assign a value of 4 to the element associated with the Sun; the Moon element is assigned a value of 3; Mercury, Venus, and Mars sign elements are assigned a value of 2 each, and Jupiter and Saturn each have a value of 1. Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are disregarded because their element is more societal affecting large groups of individuals born during a period. Using this approach, if as many as 8 points are concentrated in one element, it is considered a preponderance in that element.

    So how do the signs get along with each other? Here’s a quick rundown of what the signs can expect from one another when they meet.