Flirting Body Language

Saturday, September 19, 2009
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Everyone in their life has flirted at least once either knowingly or unknowingly. Flirtatious actions include your conversation, physical contact and body language. You may have faced Body Flirting Language in your daily life. It is a very common practice to flirt with your body. Body language expresses your emotions and is more effective than verbal language. Most of the times you are not aware that you are communicating with your body.

How you make your moves while talking to a person of opposite sex or the way you breathe, the volume of your voice reflects your Flirting Language. Flirting Language consists of flirtatious gesture, eye contact, body posture and facial expressions.

Men and women use body language as a means of communication. Women generally send 5 times more sexual body language signals than men. When two people are relating to each other, the body language messages reveal how each person really feels about the other.

A casual touch can be casual and accidental. It may be a gentle touch to the arm as you laugh at the person's joke or a casual touch to your hand as you are engrossed in conversation. You can make sure that it is friendly and that the other person has a positive reaction to the touch.

You can accept the touch with a friendly gesture or a returned touch, then it seems that everything has gone well. If you move away or ignore the touch, then you are not open to the person. The touch basically assures the other person whether you have let down your defences and have accepted them

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