Apology Love Letters

Friday, September 04, 2009
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When we do something that hurts our loved one, what could be more effective than using apology love letters to let them know we're are sorry?

"I'm Sorry" love letters are really one of the best way to show your partner you didn't mean to hurt them, and are sorry from the bottom of your heart to have caused them any pain.

You partner will appreciate your sense of thoughtfulness so much and will be deeply touched by your love letter.

So how can you write a beautiful apology letter for him/her?

The good news is, you don't have to write it from scratch. You can simply use a sample love letter to do it more easily and faster.

So here is a collection of best 'I'm sorry' letters for you to use for free...
I wish you a lot of success in your next first date!

3 Reasons Why Apology Love Letters Are So Powerful
When we do something that hurts our loved one, we have always two choices on how to apologize and heal their hurt feelings:
  1. Apologizing in person
  2. Saying we are sorry in a letter
The first one is the way most people go with because it may look easier or maybe because they don't know a better way.

But the secret is, saying you're sorry in a letter is double more effective than just saying it verbally. Here are some great reasons...

1. It Shows You Love Them a Lot

When your partner sees you have actually taken the time to write them a love letter to let them know you didn't meant o hurt them and are sorry, they will feel a lot more that you love them and care about them.

2. It Proves You Are Serious

Putting down your apology in written word on a letter shows you are more serious about it. You know how sometimes people apologize verbally without meaning it really. They just say it as a lie or just to calm down the other person.

But how many times do you see someone writing down an apology letter is he doesn't feel sorry at all? Hardly ever, right?
That's what makes your apology love letter even more effective.

3. You Have Time to Sort Out Your Thoughts and Feelings

When you are writing a letter, you have time to think about what happened and how you feel much more than when talking in person.

So you can not only explain your true feelings better, but you can also discover your inner feelings more, so you know yourself better.

As you see, apology love letters are the best way to say you're sorry to your partner and heal their broken heart. So simply use the easy, free love letters above this page. Good luck!
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