Forex Overview Sitemap

Saturday, March 13, 2010
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What Is The Foreign Exchange Market?

The forex market is not situated in one particular place. Practically every country is involved so there is a possibility of trading currencies in most countries. Because of this, the market runs 24 hours a day, five days a week. more...

What Is Currency Trading?

When people talk about forex (foreign exchange) trading or currency trading on the forex market, they generally mean something very different. In this case traders are constantly exchanging one currency for another (buying currencies and selling others) with the aim of making a profit when the exchange rates change. more...

Foreign Exchange And Currency Trading Tutorials

There are more and more people pouring into the forex trading sector every day. There is always money to be made and this is certain to attract large numbers. At the same time, the market is not likely to become saturated. There are so many possible trades to make between all the different currencies and banks and private individuals will always need to make currency exchanges. more...

What To Look For In A Forex Book

There are new books on forex being published almost every week, so it is useful to know what to look for and how to pick out the best. Just as with any other market where money is involved, you need to know how to identify and stay clear of any scams that you might come across. more...

How Much Forex Trading Training Do I Need?

But there are many kinds of training available these days and it may be hard to judge what is the best. With so many websites, blogs, articles and ebooks available on the internet, often low priced or even free, it is tempting to think that we may be able to pick up all we need to know for dirt cheap. more...

If You Are New To Forex, Choose Mini Forex Trading

If you are new to forex or have only a small amount of capital available right now, mini forex trading could be the way to go for you. It allows you to trade with real money while limiting your risk to a relatively small amount. Generally the lot size of trades for a mini account is only one-tenth of the lot size for a standard account with the same broker. more...
Sayamoza blogspot is designed to help you acquire the skills, knowledge, and abilities to become a successful trader in the foreign exchange market. Our definition of a successful trader is having the ability to do three things:
  1. Make pips
  2. Keep pips
  3. Repeat
If you can repeatedly do these three things, then you're on your way! But it's no cakewalk.

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