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Forex Trading Markets: Recognizing Patterns

Thursday, March 25, 2010
Forex works by making transactions in foreign currencies that are not centered on an exchange like the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) instead; they take place world wide through telecommunications. The forex trade is open 24 hours a day beginning on Sundays in the afternoon until Friday afternoon. There are dealers to quote all the major currencies in nearly every time zone through out the world. After the investor decides on what currency to purchase, the transaction is made through one of those dealers. Some of these dealers can even be found online. It’s very common for investors to speculate currency prices by obtaining a credit line, as small as $500, to greatly increase the potential profits and losses. The term for this is “marginal trading.”

The term marginal trading is used for trading with a borrowed capital. Many traders find marginal trading appealing because forex investments can be made without using a real money supply. This method allows investors to invest more money with fewer costs for transfer and to open a bigger position with a small capital.

When trading in the forex market, it’s best to develop a pattern of recognition in order to become a successful trader. The forex markets often display a specific pattern that repeats over time across assorted time scales. Forex traders can develop an expertise by acquiring the information around the patterns and then discovering how to recognize these patterns for what they are.

Let’s use an analogy of a medical student who is learning how to diagnose a disease, for instance, pneumonia. Every disease is defined by a distinct set of symptoms. By running the right tests and making ethical observations of the patient in question, the medical student will be able to collect all the information needed to recognize that the disease is indeed pneumonia. A medical student can never become an expert doctor until he has seen a number of patients, thus gaining practice in putting the pieces of the puzzle together rapidly and correctly.

The brightest illustration of gaining the trading expertise is through pattern recognition and the large literature on technical analysis. Many of the technical analysis books look like the books that are carried around by medical students. They attempt to combine market symptoms into identifiable patterns that are aimed to help the trader diagnose the market. Some of these patterns may be chart patterns, while others may be based on identifying cycles and configurations, and so on. Like the medical student turned doctor, each technical analyst must cultivate a level of expertise by recognizing the various markets and by learning how to identify the patterns.

Notice how the pattern recognition and research answers lead to very dissimilar approaches to the training of forex market traders. The traders tend to learn how to improve their trading by doing their research by learning how to use more sophisticated tools, collect more data, expose the best predictors, and so on. However, from a pattern recognition advantage point, being successful at trading will not come from conducting more research. Instead, gaining the knowledge directly from the experts and through a great deal of practice will lead to the solid development of competence. The research viewpoint fundamentally treats trading as a type of science. Like scientists, we gain our knowledge by unveiling new observations and pattern recognition through a perspective that treats trading as a functioning activity. We gain our expertise through our mentors and by constantly practicing the trades.

It would seem that this type of expertise could be acquired by learning pattern recognition from other experienced traders and then attaining the experience well enough to identify them on your own. Traditionally, this is how it’s done, but because pattern recognition normally entails a dependable measure of judgment, it makes it very hard to establish outside efficacy once it leaves the hands of the experts. Simply put, an expert trader may be able to utilize more information in trading than he can actually verbalize. Expert traders often describe their work in terms of monetary value and unpredictability patterns, but it may be the way that the patterns are used that makes all the difference between novice and expertise. Although the experts may be able to distinguish patterns in their work, it remains unclear if their greatness lies in the patterns themselves.

Forex Markets: Japanese Yen vs US Dollar

The Japanese yen is the official currency of Japan and after the euro and the US dollar is the most widely traded form of currency on the Forex. The foreign exchange market can trade currencies from all over the world with each other. There are many individuals who trade on the Forex to make a profit. When doing this, it is important to understand how each form of currency works in relation to others. The Japanese yen is very comparable to the US dollar on the Forex market.

The Japanese yen was first recognized as currency in 1870 and was modeled after the monetary system in Europe. After War World II, the Japanese yen lost most of its value due to instability. Now, the yen has more value and compares more consistently with the US dollar.

The value of the Japanese yen is mostly determined in the foreign exchange markets and by simple supply and demand. When a yen holder wants to exchange that form of currency for other currencies in order to purchase goods, services or assets, the money is traded on the Forex. When the demand for the yen is high, the value goes up. Until the Bretton Woods System collapses in 1971, the value of the Japanese yen was set at Y360 per US $1. Those prices helped stabilize the Japanese economy. When that system was done away with, the value of the yen compared to the US dollar became more competitive. Up to that point in time, the yen was undervalued.

As time progressed, the Japanese government was concerned that if the value of the yen rose, it would hurt the export business in Japan. They thought it might make Japanese products less competitive and would negatively affect the industry. This is when the Japanese government often intervened with the Forex to affect the value of the yen. This was not helping and the value of the yen climbed steadily. When the increased costs of oil began to change from 1974 to 1976, the yen began to depreciate. There were several fluctuations of the yen during the late seventies and early eighties as the price of oil increased. The yen was weak compared the US dollar until the late eighties when the value began to rise because of the trade surplus that was taking place in Japan.

When the big push came to invest in overseas companies and products, the yen began to have more value. Japan currently enjoys incentives from overseas investments. With the large rise in the value of the yen, Japanese companies began to search for lower production costs and costs associated with importing and exporting.

With the popularity of exchanging and trading the Japanese yen to US dollars, the exchange rates on the Forex are important. The exchange rates represents the link between on country and their partners in other countries. The trading between countries can either negatively or positively affect the relative price of goods and services that are being traded at any one give time. The exports and imports, the assets and the profit from these trades all affect the currency rates. Japan is major import and export country. The yen is widely used and recognized on the foreign exchange market.

Over time, the fixed, or constant, rates can be predicted by looking at a wide variety of factors including the government policies of a country, current events, supply and demand and even consumer attitudes. The Forex boasts flexible rates, which means that the rates are always changing based on the trade flows, interest rates, rates of inflation and the prediction of future events.

It is also important to remember when comparing the Japanese yen to the US dollars that the foreign exchange market is the most liquid market in the world. It is not like the stock market. Money is constantly changing hands from financial institutions to other institutions. It takes an experienced broker or professional that knows and understand the various currencies and trends to understand to trade successfully on the Forex market. The Japanese yen is more comparable to the US dollar now than it was in the past. It is one of the major currencies that is traded every single day on the foreign exchange market.

Forex Market: What is Hedging?

For those who are not familiar with the Forex market, the word “hedging” could mean absolutely nothing. However, those who are regular traders know that there are many ways to use this term in trading. Most of the time when you hear this phrase it means that you are trying to reduce your risk in trading. It is something that everyone who plans to invest should know about. It is a technique that can protect your investments to some degree.

What Is It?

While hedging is a popular trading term, it is also one that seems a little mysterious. It is much like an insurance plan. When you hedge, you insure yourself in case a negative event may occur. This does not mean that when a negative event occurs you will come out of it completely unaffected. It only means that if you properly hedge yourself, you won’t experience a huge impact. Think of it like your auto insurance. You purchase it in case something bad happens. It does not prevent bad things from happening, but if they do, you are able to recover a lot better than if you were uninsured.

Anyone who is involved in trading can learn to hedge. From huge corporations to small individual investors, hedging is something that is widely practiced. The manner in which they do this involves using market instruments to offset the risk of any negative movement in price. The easiest way to do this is to hedge an investment with another investment. For example, the way most people would deal with this is to invest in two different things with negative correlations. This is still costly to some people; however, the protection you get from doing this is well worth the cost most of the time. When you begin learning more about hedging, you start to understand why not many people completely know what it is all about. The techniques used to hedge are done by using derivatives. These are complicated instruments of finance and most often only used by seasoned investors.

Is There A Downside To Hedging?

When you decide to hedge, you must remember that it comes with a cost. You should always be sure that the benefits you get from a hedge should be more than enough to make it worth your while. You should make sure the expense is justified. If it is not, then you should not hedge. The goal of hedging is not to make money. You will not make large gains by hedging yourself. You have to take some risks in order to gain. Hedging is intended to be used to protect your losses. The loss cannot be avoided, but the hedge can offer a little comfort. However, even if nothing negative happens, you will still have to pay for the hedge. Unlike insurance, you are never compensated for your hedge. Things can go wrong with hedging and it may not always protect you as you think it will.

Should I Hedge?

Keep in mind that most investors never hedge in their entire trading careers. Short-term fluctuation is something that the majority of investors do not worry with. Therefore, hedging can be pointless. Even if you choose not to hedge however, learning about the technique is a great way to understand the market a bit more. You will see large corporations and other large traders use this and may be confused at why they are acting this way. When you know more about hedging you can fully understand their strategies.

Whether you decide to use hedging to your advantage or not, you will benefit from learning more about it. You can use it like an insurance policy when trading. You should remember however that hedging can be costly. Always check to make sure the costs of hedging will not run against any profits you may or may not make. Be sure those costs are realistic and that your need for hedging is realistic as well. You will be able to use hedging to help cut your potential losses, however hedging will never guard against the negatives altogether. Learning about it will give you a better understanding at how large traders work the system however, which can in turn make you a better player in the trading game.

The Forex Market and Global Expansion

The foreign market originated in 1973 and more than three decades later, the forex market has been expanding and developing into the robust worldwide market it is today. Even so, currency or money has always been in our society, in one form or another, since the ancient time of the Pharaohs. The first currency dealers started in the Middle East, where these “moneychangers” exchanged coins from one country to another. When paper bills were introduced as a transferable monetary resource, the transactions became easier for all the traders. The strengthening and development of economies were strongly encouraged by forex and the international trading, bringing many benefits to all the countries involved.

In order to establish the current forex market, several modifications had to be made. The first of the major changes occurred towards the end of World War II with the Bretton Woods Accord in 1944. Three great countries, the United States, France and Great Britain gathered together at the Bretton Woods to organize a new worldwide economical order. This is when the U.S. dollar, or USD, became the monetary standard form of currency that dealers would use when determining the values of other currencies on the forex market. Before the U.S. dollar became the standard currency, the British pound was the main currency that was used to compare other currencies on the forex market. During this time, nearly half of Europe was in disarray while the United States remained unharmed by WWII. In hopes to create a more stable foreign exchange trading environment which would help restore the worldwide economies and stabilize the international economic state of affairs, the Bretton Woods Accord was established.

While the Bretton Woods Accord survived until 1971, a new agreement soon followed in the December of that year, entitled the Smithsonian Agreement. Although the Smithsonian Agreement was quite similar to the Bretton Woods Accord, it also allowed for additional fluctuation within the forum of the foreign exchange market. As no new agreements were made, this was replace with the current free floating system, allowing the governments in forex trading to either peg or semi-peg their currencies or allow the currencies to simply freely float. The free floating system became officially mandated in 1978. Currently, all major currencies move independently from the other currencies implementing the services of forex dealers. Because there are no limitations on currency dealers and investors who want to trade currencies in an open and free foreign exchange market, there has been an inflow of speculation by brokerage houses, independent broker dealers, future trading brokers, hedge funds, banks as well as individuals.

The forex market is driven by the enormous scope for profit potential among the currency dealers, along with the supply and demand. The free floating system is more practical for today’s forex market which undergoes a change in the currency rate approximately every 4.8 seconds. After loosely evolving from a connection of financial centers to one integrated market, the foreign exchange market is now playing an exceptional role in a country’s economy. The forex market has expanded worldwide, reflecting the constant growth of international trades. When considering the size of the forex market, it’s important to understand that any transactions made, whether it’s with a future trading broker or an independent broker, will ultimately lead to more transactions. This is mostly due to the brokerage establishments as they readjust their positions whether to manage or off set their risks.

Today’s foreign exchange market is a truly worldwide, 24 hour a day trading zone, with most of the currency trading amidst the currency dealers in London, New York and Japan. The only time that currencies stop trading is on Friday when Japan closes its business and then there is a one day window before Europe steps in on Monday morning to open for business. Companies that sell and buy foreign currencies as part of their business like independent brokers and currency dealers, only make up a small percentage of forex trading. The majority of forex trading comes from banks, investment companies and brokerages. As more currency traders discover the foreign exchange markets potential for earning and raising capital, the market continues to develop and grow steadily. Forex reaches a daily turnover of at least 30 times more than any other U.S. market.

What are Forex Charts And How Do You Read Them?

When learning to read forex charts, remember that there are two basic approaches for online forex trading. They are fundamental analysis and technical analysis. Fundamental analysis doesn’t rely on forex charts. It uses both political and economic factors to help determine trades. Charts here are only used as a reference. Technical analysis on the other hand will try to predict where the prices are going by analysis of historical price activity. Those who use technical analysis study the relationship between price and time.

The most traded pair of currencies is the Euro and the US dollar, so we will use them in our example. The dollar is on the right hand side of the chart and the Euro is on the left hand side. The currencies are expressed in relationship to each other in pairing. Forex charges will always display how much of the currency on the right hand side is necessary to buy a unit of the currency on the left hand side. Looking at the chart you will notice the last price displayed on a given date. This number is always highlighted. The time is recorded horizontally across the bottom of a chart and the price scale is displayed vertically along the right hand edge of the chart. The time and the price are often in all caps to help the trader remember that technical analysis is about the relationship between time and price. That is a fundamental rule of this type of relationship.

There are many ways to observe the price and time movement on a chart. These include bars, lines, point and figure, and Japanese candle sticks, the most popular method. With the candlestick method there is a fat, red section that is the body of the candlestick. Lines protrude from the top and bottom and they are the upper and lower wicks. When you look at al the candles on a chart it is clear that bodies can be difference sizes and sometimes there is no body at all. The same is true with wicks. Candle wicks can be of many difference sizes, or there may be no wick at all. The length of the body and the length of the wick are determined by the price range for the candle. Longer candles will have had more price movement during the time that they were open. The top of a candle wick is the highest price for that currency while the wick’s bottom is the lowest price. A candle or currency is bullish when the close of the candle is higher than the open. In English this means that there were more buyers than there were sales during the opening time period. Sometimes the candles will not have wicks. The price opened and it dropped off until it closed.

Forex charts are not a sure fire method, but they are a tool that can help a trader. Many forex traders use charts on a regular basis. Historical trends do have their place in forex trading as most traders will admit, and using the charts to track historical trends can assist a trader in making a decision today.

Often the charts are online rather than on paper. By joining a service that provides the charts via the internet a trader is able to stay very current indeed on currency activity. Charts can be checked on a minute to minute basis. For those who primarily do their trading based on historical accuracy this can be a true help. Most forex traders however use a combination of the two approaches. They may chart historical trends, but they will also pay close attention to political, cultural and economic events within a nation. They may also use charts or other methods to check and see if a particular political event as a recent historical parallel that can be checked to determine how the currency behaved in past times. Simply following a system usually is not enough. A trader should also be, somewhat at least, a student of history and of economics. Using all the tools at your disposal will make you a better and stronger forex trader.

Foreign Exchange Markets: A General Overview

In the beginning countries would trade with each other using the barter system. If one nation needed lumber but had cattle, they would trade one product for another. This was pure trading. This type of economy has many limitations, but served mankind well for many centuries. However, nations quickly saw the benefit of having a system of exchange, and while some cultures used pretty rocks, or animal teeth, precious metals quickly became established methods of exchange. God and silver were the most popular. Initially gold and silver coins were used, and in fact the name of the British standard currency, the pound sterling, came from the Hasterling region where gold coins were made, and originally meant coins of the Hasterling’s. Up until World War I most nations had central banks that supported the value of their currencies and most used gold as the standard. Paper money was printed and it legally could be exchanged for gold but this did not often happen. Since it was rarely converted, some banks and some nations believed they no longer needed to keep reserves of gold in their vaults, as the US once did with Fort Knox. Inflation then occurred.

Near the end of World War II a conference known as Bretton Woods had many nations reach an agreement on a reserve currency system based on the US dollar. The World Bank and other organizations agreed, and a fixed exchange rate system was reached. The value of the dollar was fixed on a certain amount of gold, and other currencies were fixed on value to the dollar. Currency trading after this however has evolved and currencies have grown in value, and gone down in value, leading to fluctuation.

Today traders take advantage of the fluctuation in value among currencies through the forex or foreign currency markets. It is quite common to see a trader who suspects that the value of the Euro will go up against the yen or the dollar and follow the old axiom of “buy low and sell high.” On of the ways this is done is through margin trading. With margin trading a trader doesn’t have to have all the money in an account that is being traded. If a trader has 10,000 and works with a one percent margin, he is able to trade $100,000 in currency. This adds great leverage to the trade and makes forex trading very attractive to many who are looking for a large and quick return on their investments. Forex traders are also attracted to the low costs associated with trading since most trades are without commission. The fact that there is a 24 hour trading cycle is also attractive to many. Traders have opportunities for large profit, but they also have risk inherent. An aggressive trader may experience profit and loss swings of up to 30% in a day. This can be 30% to the good, or to the bad, so forex trading requires education and courage as well as capital. However there are no daily limits and no restrictions on trading hours other than the weekend when markets are closed. For this reason there are always opportunities. Money will always be made.

Much of the forex trading that occurs however is not with individual investors or speculators. Many commercial organizations have currency exposures that are created due to import and export activities. This is reason enough for many to engage in forex trading. However, financial institutions remain the biggest players in the forex market. Banks, brokers, mutual funds and other major financial institutions are actively involved in forex trading.

Some nations in the past have complained about hedge funds and other large institutions involved in forex trading, saying that they have intentionally devalued their currencies to make quick profits. George Soros, the famous billionaire who is involved in politics, has been accused of this practice by the government of Indonesia. Whether it is true or not, and if true whether it should or should not be done is not for this article. However, when institutions control such large amounts of money, the chance of manipulation does exist. As long as foreign currency is traded, there will be such accusations. However, the forex market remains a way to achieve substantial financial gain.

Forecasting The Forex Trading Market

For those who trade using the Forex, or foreign currency exchange, knowing how to forecast the Forex can make the difference between trading successfully and losing money. When you begin learning about Forex trading, it is vital that you understand how to forecast the Forex trading market.

There are two major methods that are used when forecasting the Forex. Each system is used to understand how the Forex works and how the fluctuations in the market can affect traders and currency rates. The two methods that are most often used are called technical analysis and fundamental analysis. Both methods differ in their own ways, but each one can help the Forex trader understand how the rates are affecting the currency trade. Most of the time, experienced traders and brokers know each method and use a mixture of the two to trade on the Forex.

The first method used in forecasting foreign currency exchange is called technical analysis. This method uses predictions by looking at trends in charts and graphs from past Forex market happenings. This system is based on solid events that have actually taken place in the Forex in the past. Many experience Forex traders and brokers rely on this system because it follows actual trends and can be quite reliable.

When looking at the technical analysis in the Forex, there are three basic principles that are used to make projections. These principles are based on the market action in relation to current events, trends in price movements and past Forex history. When the market action is looked at, everything from supply and demand, current politics and the current state of the market are taken into consideration. It is usually agreed that the actual price of the Forex is a direct reflection of current events.

The trends in price movement are another factor when using technical analysis. This means that there are patterns in the market behavior that have been known to be a contributing factor in the Forex. These patterns are usually repeating over time and can often be a consistent factor when forecasting the Forex market. Another factor that is taken into consideration when forecasting the Forex is history. There are definite patterns in the market and these are usually reliable factors. There are several charts that are taken into consideration when forecasting the Forex market using technical analysis. The five categories that are look at include indicators, number theory, waves, gaps and trends.

Most of these can be quite complicated for those who are inexperienced using the Forex. Most professional Forex brokers understand these charts and have the ability to offer their clients well-informed advice about Forex trading.

Another way that experienced brokers and traders in the Forex use to forecast the trends is called fundamental analysis. This method is used to forecast the future of price movements based on events that have not taken place yet. This can range from political changes, environmental factors and even natural disasters. Important factors and statistics are used to predict how it will affect supply and demand and the rates of the Forex. Most of the time, this method is not a reliable factor on its own, but is used in conjunction with technical analysis to form opinion about the changes in the Forex market.

When fundamental analysis is used to forecast the Forex, it is important to remember that this method only focuses on what should happen in a certain market based on current events. Unlike technical analysis, it does not look at trends or the history of the market to make a forecast. It looks at current supply and demand, seasonal cycles, weather and the current state of the government all over the world.

For those interesting in being involved with Forex trading, a basic understanding of how the system works is essential. Understanding both forecasting systems and how they can predict the market trends will help Forex traders be successful with their trading. Most experienced traders and brokers involved with the Forex use a system of both technical and fundamental information when making decisions about the Forex market. When used together, they can provide the trader with invaluable information about where the currency trends are headed.

How To Avoid Forex Scams

Whenever there is an opportunity to make large amounts of money, there will be people who are eager to jump right in and start making money. And where there are people who are eager to get rich quick with a minimum of effort on their part, there are fraudsters waiting to take their money. Experienced traders are wise enough to avoid the frauds – it’s the new traders who are most vulnerable to the forex scams that are slipping into the currency exchange market.

The U.S. CFTC (Commodity Futures Trading Commission), which regulates futures and commodities trading, warns new investors to be wary of frauds and scams that promise huge profits from your investments, in and out of the Forex market. The CFTC has issued several Consumer Fraud Alerts in connection with foreign currency trading. They offer the following tips to help you avoid being scammed.

Be sceptical of high-profit-low-risk come-ons.

“I made $1900 in one minute!” touts one sidebar ad for a Forex trading company. Ads that promise high returns on small investments with little or no risk to you are tempting bait. The fact is that while there are certainly big profits to be made in forex, there are correspondingly large losses. And most novice traders drop out of active trading by the end of their first year because they can’t afford the risk.

Be suspicious. Period.

Before you part with a penny, thoroughly check out the company or trader you’re planning to do business with. Check the CFTC’s consumer fraud alert page. Check to see if the company is registered with the CFTC, or is a member of the National Futures Association. Check to see if there’s any disciplinary action against the firm or company. Get even more basic. Get a valid address and telephone number, and verify that it belongs to the company. Check to be sure the person you’re dealing with actually works for the company. Especially if you’re doing business on the Internet, it’s very easy for a scammer to fake credentials.

Be wary of sending money over the Internet.

The Internet has made it incredibly easy for scammers to operate. It only costs $6.95 a month to have a professional looking web site hosted – that’s pennies a day to reach millions of potential marks. Before you part with credit card numbers, bank account transfer permissions or wire transfers, be sure to check out the company with all the authorities listed above.

Beware high pressure sales tactics.

Legitimate dealers don’t need to contact you with unsolicited email, or pressure you into doing business with them. If someone is pushing you to invest right now, tonight, this moment, it should set off huge warning signals in your head. A real dealer is more concerned with keeping you as a customer for the long haul. He’ll be patient while you check out his credentials and reputation. A phony dealer can’t afford that luxury – he needs to get you on the hook right now, or risk losing his score.

Be cautious of companies that tell you they’ll trade for you on the ‘interbank’ market.

The interbank market is a term for a loose network of currency traders that include banks, financial institutions and large corporations. Fraudulent currency trading firms often tell customers that they’ll trade for them on the interbank market where the prices are better. It should be a warning signal to you to stay away.

While technically not ‘scams’, you should also be wary of paying good money for training courses that promise you systems that are ‘guaranteed’ to earn you high profits. If the course advertises that their system will earn you huge profits with minimal risk, or guarantee you 40% return on your money in six weeks, take the promises with a huge grain of salt. Experienced traders understand that the forex market is a time market – while it’s possible to make large amounts of money in short-term trades, finding those profitable trades is a matter of being in the right place at the right time… which means putting in the time and the effort to be there.

They also understand that they’ll lose more often than they win – the trick is to keep your losses short and your profits long. Any company that guarantees that you’ll make a profit on all or most of your profits is coloring their advertising. Stick with trusted companies whose credentials you can verify and whose background you can check.

5 Solid Forex Trading Strategies

When considering forex trading as a profit making venture, it is important to work out winning strategies beforehand if at all possible. Making decisions regarding your forex trading and developing a strategy can be seen as your foundation. With your strategy you will optimize your risk with respect to the expected reward, or put the odds in your favour. Trading strategies should be disciplined and limit risk, while placing you at the most favourable advantage in the market. One strategy is the simple moving away average, which is based on a technical study over twelve periods, with each period fifteen minutes in length. This is a good example of a trading decision that is arrived at through strategy.

A simple algorithm is used in this strategy. When currency price crosses above the twelfth period, simply move away it is a signal to stop and reverse. In this way a long position will be liquidated and a short position will be established, both using market orders. This system will keep trades always in the market, with either a short position or a long position after the first signal.

Another strategy is of support and resistance levels. This is another technical analysis strategy and derives support and resistance. The idea is that the market tends to trade above support levels and trade below resistance levels. If either a support or a resistance level is broken, then the market will follow through is the direction given. These levels can be determined by analysis of the chart and assessment of where the chart has encountered unbroken support or resistance in times past.

Anther strategy that many see as exotic is called the balloon strategy. A balloon option is an option that balloons, or increases in size when triggers are reached. For example, if an investor believes that the dollar will gain strength against the Euro in the near future and is currently trading at 100, the investor will see 110 as being strong resistance, but the investor also believes it will be broken. So, rather than buying straight dollars at 100 for the next six months the investor will purchase at “at the money” balloon call with a 110 trigger and multiple of two. The investor will then own a 100 call in USD110mm. But if the dollar and Euro ever trade at or above 110, the 110 call will double to USD 20mm.

The double bottom is another strategy worth looking at. The double bottom is significant to the short term trader as double bottoms indicate a possible major change in sentiment and trend. The pattern is used on all times frames, and many powerful intraday and long term bull markets are conceived from this setup. Double bottoms reflect strong support levels. When prices fail to break support in the down trending markets on more than one occasion we see powerful changes of trend. These reversal signals are meaningful. The most common entry point where a trader will open on a double bottom trade is on a move through the high of the two troughs. This high will represent secondary resistance, and when penetrated confirms a price reversal. The stops are placed around the lows of he patters because a move below lows negates the pattern premise.

Another good potential strategy is the Ichimoku chart. These charts are following indicators, which identify support and resistance levels and create trading signals in a way that is similar to moving averages. A big difference however between the two is that the Ichimoku chart lines shift forward in time, creating wider support and resistance zones and decreasing the risk of trading false breakouts. They are calculated using information on trend existence, direction, support and resistance.

The four main lines are:
Turning Line = (Highest High + Lowest Low) / 2, for the past nine days
Standard Line = (Highest High + Lowest Low) / 2, for the past twenty-six days
Leading Span 1 = (Standard Line + Turning Line) / 2, plotted twenty-six days ahead of today
Leading Span 2 = (Highest High + Lowest Low) / 2, for the past fifty days, plotted twenty-six days ahead of today’s date.
Whichever strategy you choose to use, devote as much study as possible to increase your chances of gain and profit.

The four main lines are:
Turning Line = (Highest High + Lowest Low) / 2, for the past nine days
Standard Line = (Highest High + Lowest Low) / 2, for the past twenty-six days
Leading Span 1 = (Standard Line + Turning Line) / 2, plotted twenty-six days ahead of today
Leading Span 2 = (Highest High + Lowest Low) / 2, for the past fifty days, plotted twenty-six days ahead of today’s date.
Whichever strategy you choose to use, devote as much study as possible to increase your chances of gain and profit.

How to Guarantee Failure in Forex Trading

Forex trading – it’s one of the most exciting new ‘games’ in town. The stakes are variable enough that almost anyone can play, and the potential winnings are high enough to tempt even the most conservative into the running. There’s something romantic and dashing about trading in money – a cachet that stock, bonds and mutual funds just don’t have. With trillions of dollars changing hands everyday, it seems like everyone’s got a fail-safe method that will make you rich overnight. Here are nine failsafe facts that will guarantee that you fail in forex trading.

There is a failsafe method to make money on every trade.

Just like there’s no such thing as a free lunch, there’s no such thing as a failsafe method. You WILL lose money on some trades, it’s inevitable. Expecting to always win is a guarantee that you will hang on to trades long past the point that an experienced trader would have found an out.

You don’t need to know anything about the market to make money in it.

Not knowing your playing field is a sure way to hit every bump and hole in it. It’s not enough to read a few articles from your dealer. You need to make a concentrated effort to understand the forces that drive the market so you’ll know the best times to make a move.

You can play a winning game by making frequent trades with small profits.

If your goal is to make a few hundred dollars a day, you may be ahead of the game, but you’re seriously limiting your profit potential. The only people getting rich on frequent tiny trades are the dealers taking commission on them.

You don’t need a plan to make money in the currency market – making money IS a plan.

Trading without a well-thought out plan is like jumping out of a plane without a backup chute. Your plan is what keeps your eye focused on your goal, and gets you through the inevitable losses. Currency trading isn’t a short-term game, but most new traders (95%) quit within the first year because they didn’t have a plan to follow.

If you stick with a losing trade long enough, it will turn around.

Sticking with a losing trade is a good way to lose more money. When a deal isn’t going the way that you expected, it’s hard to admit that you were wrong and get out – but it’s the best way to avoid losing even bigger money. Winning on one trade isn’t going to make you rich overnight. Consistently knowing when to get out – whether it’s to cut your losses or grab your winnings – is the way to be a successful currency trader.

Where there’s smoke, there’s fire.

Rumours are just that – rumours – 99% of the time. If you want to win at the game, base your trades on reality, not hearsay. On the other hand, rumours can alert you to look at what’s really happening and make a decision based on the movement that you see.

The more currencies you trade, the better your chances are of scoring a big profit.

The more you know about a currency, the easier it is to predict how and when it will move. The more intimately you understand the way it behaves, the better your chances are of consistently making successful trades in that currency. If you’re trying to focus on too many different currencies, you’ll be spreading yourself too thin to really get to know any one of them.

Thinking long-term and trading short-term is a sure way to make money in the long run.

That’s one of those logical fallacies that sound good on the surface. Look at it more closely though. If you’re trading in the short term, then you need to keep your eyes on the short term rather than trading to what you think the market will be in a week. Today is today – if you make your best trade today every day, you’ll consistently be ahead of the game.

The way to make money in forex is to always have a trade in motion.

Sometimes there just isn’t a trade that’s going to profit you. Making a trade just to make a trade is a sure way to do yourself no good – and possibly a great deal of harm.

Expensive Forex Trader Mistakes That Beginners Make

Friday, March 19, 2010
Learning anything new can lead to mistakes, but making mistakes can be the natural part of the learning process. When learning to trade or invest in the Forex, mistakes can lead to lose of profits and can become expensive. A good investor will understand the market they are using for trading. Whether you are new or experienced, you can still make mistakes. There are common errors that many traders and investors make when trading on the Forex. With a little research, you can learn how to avoid common Forex trader mistakes and how to learn to move on.

Using too much margin when trading or investing on the Forex can lead to costly mistakes. Margin is the use of borrowed money to purchase securities. While it is true that using margins can help you make more money, it can also make your losses bigger. When new investors look at margins as “free” money, they have the potential to lose much more money in the Forex. Margin is not free money and using is too much can end up making more debt than profits. You would not buy stocks using a credit card, so you would not use margins to trade currency. When investors use margins when trading on the Forex, it requires the investor to have to watch their investments much more closely than when margins are not used. Margins should never be used if the investor does not have the experience or time to closely monitor their trades.

Another common, but costly mistake is when investors buy and trade on unfounded tips. This is one of the most common mistakes, even with more experienced traders. It is easy to be tempted to buy or trade currency or even stocks when you overhear someone talking about the next big “thing”. Sometimes this can be helpful, but more often than not, it will only lead to losses, not profits. Do not fall victim of investing and trading based on tips you hear or read about on television or on the Internet. If you hear about a trade that interests you, then best tip is to do some research and talk to your broker before trading or investing. You can also benefit from getting a second opinion about a Forex tip before buying, selling or trading any form of currency.

Not understanding how the foreign exchange market works is yet another costly mistake that new traders and investors make. Understanding the terminology and terms used in the Forex is very important to new traders. There are tutorials and free demos widely available on the Internet that allows traders and investors to learn how to use the Forex to their advantage. In addition, it is wise to choose an experienced broker that can help you trade and invest in the Forex. These brokers should know everything about the Forex and can help traders and investor make wise choices. Find a broker that is tied with a good financial institution and that has experience in the Forex.

Also, another common mistake is when traders and investors buy or sell when the rate on currency is cheap. Sometimes this is a good move, but just because the rate is low, does not mean that it will profit the investor. Instead of choosing a currency to buy or trade, it is best to look at all of the factors that affect the exchange rate and look at the trends and history. Avoid buying or selling any currency just because the rate is low. Most of the time, there is a distinct reason why these rates are low. Research the trends of the currency and find out, which ones are the best profit makers when trading on the foreign exchange market.

Last of all, another common mistake that costs money for both new and experienced traders is that they underestimate their trading abilities. Some investors feel that they do not understand the Forex well enough to trade to their fullest ability. Anyone with willingness to learn the Forex can profit with some education and research. It can take some time to learn the aspects of the foreign exchange market, but even new investors can learn how to trade with success.

How To Choose a Forex Broker

When choosing a forex broker there are many factors to take into account.
  • Trust
  • Experience
  • References from past clients
  • Level of success
  • Amount of advice to be given
  • Convenience
  • Amount of margin offered
  • Speed
All of the above are of course important. In any financial transaction it is important to trust the broker you work with. This trust is garnered by the experience level the broker has. Of course there are some new brokers starting out who are quite trustworthy, but most people would rather work with an experienced broker. For that reason most new brokers attach themselves to a firm where they can be mentored and gain experience.

References from past clients are important. If your broker has helped someone else is successful in the past and that person is willing to speak up for him that says a lot. You can gage the level of success your broker has had by speaking with past clients and seeing how well they did working with this broker. Next, take a look at the amount of advice your broker is willing to give you. Of course, you make your own decisions and will never take another person’s word for everything, but it is good to have knowledge to work with, and advice from an experienced broker is key information to factor in. Convenience is also impotent. If you live in California then an Ohio broker might not be the best choice. But in the age of the internet that factor has become less relevant. With fax and email where you and your broker live has become less important.

The amount of margin offered is important. Margin is used to leverage your money. A broker who gives you a 50 to one margin is more valuable than one who gives you 20 to one. And of course speed. Is your broker quick? Does he return phone calls and emails promptly? If so, perhaps you can work with him.

Your broker will b a trusted advisor and someone that you may be working with for years to come so choose the relationship carefully. Ask friends and acquaintances who are active in forex trading what broker they use and how they met. It is quite possible that you can get a referral from a friend or acquaintance you trust and acquire a good forex broker that way.

Another good way to find a forex broker is to go online. There are message forums, chat rooms, and email groups through portals like Yahoo, Google and MSN that contain a wealth of information. Getting onto one of these online communities and asking other people for advice is the way that many people found their broker. If a broker has several clients in an online community who are happy with what he has accomplished for them, then that is a good indication that you might be happy with him as well. Take advantage of the number of people who are on the internet and join some of these online communities. Ask question and you’ll probably learn a great deal from the experiences that other people have had. Also find trade journals, magazines and ezines to subscribe to. Read as much as you can about the subject of forex trading before going into it. Become a smart shopper and smarter trader.

Finding a good forex broker is a job in itself. When you visit with a forex broker you are in essence conducting an employment interview to determine if this is the broker you wish to handle your financial affairs, so be thorough. Ask plenty of questions. Ask for references. Don’t be shy. Also check with other people in the office of the broker and see if you would trust them to fill in for your broker if he were not available. And, see if the broker is willing to offer you a demo account to use to get in some practice before you actually make an investment. If the broker is able to do so and encourages you then it means that the broker wants educated clients and is not just out for the quick buck. See what kind of training and tutoring the broker is willing to offer. A good broker will offer to answer your questions and help you through the learning process.

Can Forex Signals Really Pay Off Big?

Many new traders are clueless when it comes to the Forex market. They know that they want to participate and learn, however they are not sure where to begin. Some companies are aware of this and try to lure these people into purchasing Forex signals. These companies claim that these Forex signals can really help the new traders to get a feel for what is going on in the market and for what works. New traders often pay for these signals, thinking that they will profit from the information. Sometimes the traders do profit and sometimes they don’t. There is a lot of controversy over Forex signals and whether they are worth the buck. Some experts feel they are not worth anything while other new traders seem to think they are. The fact is that each trader must decide these things by themselves. If you are new to the Forex, and want to know more about Forex signals, check out this information below. You will be able to notice who you should use if you decide to pay for Forex signals, what precautions to take,and how to go about signing up. You will also learn what you can do instead if you choose not to pay for Forex signals.

Where You Get Them

Many experts warn new traders against paying for Forex signals. Although it may seem like an attractive idea to newer traders, it can lead to trouble. First, a new trader would need to trust the person who was selling the signals. This in itself can be a difficult thing. Finding someone that you trust is unlikely. Experts agree that if someone is selling Forex signals for cash, then they are probably not great traders. Otherwise they would be making their living from the Forex market. Therefore, you probably should not purchase from them. If you did, the Forex signals would not likely pay off for you.

Free Trials & Audits

If you decide that you really want to go ahead and purchase those Forex signals, there are few things you should think about. First, you should only work with those who give you a free trial. When it comes to legitimate businesses, they will be willing to allow you to test their information before committing to the full cost. If the business is not willing to do this, you should probably take your business elsewhere. You also should think about getting audited results from the provider. This is a great way for you to feel better about working with the company and to get real results from their Forex signals. If a company is unwilling to give out this information, you should go elsewhere as well. If you are going to spend money on information that you hope with help you, and not hurt you, you should be working with someone who is willing to open up with real previous results. A company that believes in their information is easier to trust than one that seems to be hiding something.

What Else You Can Do

If you’re new to the system and you really want some help getting started, apply for a free account from a Forex broker. These accounts don’t allow you to trade with real money, but they are perfect for those who wish to learn a little about the Forex market. You can use these demo accounts to learn the rules of the Forex as well as to gain a little insight on trading and research. There are many brokers who offer these accounts in hope that once you learn about the Forex, you will open a traditional account through them. Once you do decide to open a traditional Forex account, be sure to start with a small deposit until you get everything underway. When you start small, you won’t be as afraid to make moves because you will know that you have little to lose. You should also remember that trading via the demo account and trading with a traditional account is a lot different psychologically. There is something that makes people take more risks when using “phony money”. So, just beware of these things and behave
accordingly when trading at first.

Forex Trading: What are Trading Trends & Ranges?

When you choose to start trading in the Forex market, which is often call the foreign exchange market, you will need to bone up on a little trading vocabulary. Learning specific terms and what they mean are essential before you even think about using real money to trade. You would never get into a pilot’s seat and try to fly a plane without ever having taken flying lessons. The same goes for foreign exchange market trading. You need to be fully aware of what you are doing. This is a market that is not quickly learned, so you should never assume that once you jump into it, you will learn as you go. While some people opt to do that, they typically end up losing an adequate sum of money because they were not as prepared as they should have been. Knowing the importance of trading trends and ranges in Forex trading is very important. If you are thinking of trading in the Forex market, be sure you know what these terms mean and their implications.

Trading Trend

When price moves consistently in one direction in the Forex, a trend occurs. When the direction is higher, the trend is often called bullish. When the direction of the price is moving lower, the trend is often called bearish. These terms are relative of course. When you define a trend, you should always remember that price peaks and troughs are in the same direction. When you are dealing with a bearish trend, remember that price highs and lows are moving lower. Likewise when you are dealing with a bullish trend, they are moving higher.

Often when trends occur, it is possible to draw support lines under one that is moving higher (an uptrend). You can also often draw resistant lines above one that is moving lower (a downtrend). Once you see these lines break, it can be assumed that the trend is complete. At this point there is a possibility that the trend will begin to reverse. When it does reverse, you will need to know the pattern of what that entails.

Trend Reversal

When you hear of a trend reversal, it simply means that the direction of market prices is changing. Often you will see trend reversals following a four step pattern. Usually, this includes the market making a new high, the trend line being broken, the market making an intermediate low, and a new rally that does not match the first high. Many times you will see prices break the previous low however. You may come across terms such as Double, Triple Tops, and Bottoms, which are all trend reversal patterns. Head and shoulders patterns are also popular reversal patterns.

Trading Range

The trading range is actually a sideways chart pattern. It is often used to represent a resting period before the original trend is resumed. You may see these when you are charting trends and should know what they imply.

Often trends are very important to investors. Those who engage in trend-following are people who look at major trends and make decisions in the direction of the trend. This can be a good strategy, but you must know a great deal about trends and the market in general in order to use this technique successfully. Beginners are not usually very good at tracking trends and using trend-following techniques. One thing that you should also note is that some price movements are trendless. This means that they have no clear direction, which makes trend-following nearly impossible.

Remember, that in order to fully understand trends, you must be educated in the ways of the market and foreign exchange in general. Beginners should not rely heavily on foreign exchange market trend tracking. Once you get more experience you can begin looking into tracking more and more. However, be aware that different things affect and influence the Forex. These influences can change what people expect trends to be. Therefore, you should be a seasoned trader in order to rely on the trends and ranges alone. Educate yourself on these terms and learn to recognize them in the actual market. After all, learning the terms is one thing and being able to see them in reality is different.

What is an Exotic Currency? Impact on Forex Markets?

The exotic currency is defined as a currency with little liquidity and limited dealing. The exotic currency is neither a minor nor a major currency. Some of the currencies that are considered minor are the Australian dollar, the Canadian dollar and the New Zealand dollar. Some of the currencies that are considered major are the Japanese yen, the Euro, the British pound, the Swiss francs and the German mark. All exotic currencies play a very important role in the forex market and are just as important as all the major currencies.

The foreign exchange market has played a very important role as the sole domain for financial institutions, most major banks and for the central banks like the United States Federal Reserve. The foreign exchange market has made some substantial profits that are made annually by these banks and financial institutions and these are now offered to you.

All countries are now becoming more dependent on one another due to the increase in worldwide trade and foreign investments. The state of a country’s economic activity can cause the country’s currency to fluctuate, considering how the economic factors can alter the structure of a currency’s interest rate. The monetary health of a particular country depends on whether the currency either appreciates or devalues.

Some banks make between 40-60% of their profits from trading currencies when they allocate around 20-30% of their funds into the foreign exchange market. Until recently, the American public has been unaware of the forex market because the foreign currency market had not been financially accessible to the general population of traders and investors; also, because of the minimum account requirement, which was beyond the means of the average trader or investor. Now that the situation has changed, instead of needing a minimum of $200K to open an account, a mere $10K can be used to open an account.

The foreign exchange market is dominated by these five major currencies: the U.S. dollar (USD), the British pound (GBP), the Japanese yen (JPY), the European euro (EUR) and the Swiss franc (CHF). All five of these currencies rank highly in their activity and popularity thus accounting for more than 70% of trading in North America alone. Other currency’s that are traded, though not as easily, are the more exotic currencies including the New Zealand dollar (NZD), Australian dollar (AUD), Canadian dollar (CAD) and the French franc(XPF). The minor currencies, which can also be considered as exotic currencies, account for between 3-7% of the total market volume. Together, all the major and minor currencies represent all the hard currencies that are currently being traded in the forex market.

Top three most traded currency in the world:

The U.S. dollar Index is the currency that gives relative strength to the Dollar. The Index reflects the statistical weaknesses or strengths of the trend of the U.S. dollar (USD). If the index figure is fairly large, then the U.S. Dollar is stronger, likewise if the index figure is smaller, then the U.S. dollar has become weaker. The Dollar has become weaker over the past two decades, mostly because of the world’s low opinion of financial policies that result in prominent budget deficits.

The European euro and Europe has taken its first steps toward what many economists call “Euroland” with its single currency, the Euro. Europe’s eleven nations that use the euro are: France, Spain, Belgium, Italy, Portugal, Austria, Finland, Luxembourg, Ireland, the Netherlands and Germany. These eleven nations consist of about 300 million people and also account for almost 20% of the worldwide economy. The European Union in addition represents America’s largest foreign market, which is twice the size of Japan and Canada combined. Trade flows between Europe and the United States has been roughly in balance for over nearly a quarter of a century, whereas in Asia, the U.S. runs large trade deficits.

Japan, along with its Japanese yen, continues to be one of the most undisputed global economic powers of today’s market place. Since WWII, the Japanese government has been applying all of its energy and resources into developing its economy into one of the biggest economic powers in the world. The Japanese yen has become the third most traded currency in the world.

What does Crossing Currency Mean to Forex Traders?

Learning to trade on the foreign exchange, also called the Forex, market can be both exciting and profitable. In order to trade successfully on the Forex it is essential to understand the way the market works, the terminology and the trends. Brokers and financial institutions are often the best way for traders to learn how to use the Forex for profit.

When an investor or individual wants to trade one type of currency for another, it is called exchanging currency, or crossing currency. Currency crossing is the main goal of trading on the Forex. For example, if a business or investor has US dollars and needs to trade those into Japanese yens, a broker would do this on the Forex. Many investors trade currency to make a profit. When a certain type of currency is bought at a low exchange rate, the currency can be sold once the rate increases to turn a profit.

Crossing currency on the Forex is one of the most profitable ways to earn money for many investors. The Forex is unlike any other type of market in the world. The foreign exchange market is extremely liquid and involves over two trillion dollars everyday. The top three currencies that are most traded on the Forex are the US dollar, the Japanese yen and the Euro. All of these currencies are traded the most out of all other forms of currency.

Learning to cross currency in the Forex can be complicated. The biggest factor in trading on the Forex is having knowledge about the Forex and how it works. In addition, there are many benefits of using the Forex for trading. Crossing currency gives traders the leverage to make large profits while keeping the risk of losing capital to a minimum. In ideal conditions, an investor that puts in $500 could potentially make over $100,000.

With the foreign exchange currency being so large, it is very liquid. Crossing currency using the Forex allows a large amount of flexibility for the trader and investor. The Forex gives the trade the ability to buy and sell currency quickly so that they are never stuck in any investment. When investors use online trading as their form of crossing currency, the trading platform can be pre-set to the preferences of the trader. If the trade is not going as expected, the platform can be set to stop the trade, allowing the trader to lose less money while using the Forex.

Crossing currency also allows traders and investors to profit in rising and falling markets. This is another difference between the stock market and the foreign exchange market. With the stock market, an investor can only make money when the shares are on the rise. When there is a falling “bear” market or the stocks decline, investors cannot make money on the stock market. When crossing currency in the Forex, this is not true. This is one appealing factor of trading on the Forex. Investors can make large amounts of profits when a currency pair is either up or down. Crossing currency in the right direction can always make profits.

Another appealing benefit of using the Forex for currency crossing, or trading is that the Forex is always open. When investing the in the stock market, the trading is limited to when the market is open. It has a definite closing time during the business week. This is not true of the foreign exchange currency. The Forex is open all the time and does not close. Traders benefit from the ability to trade twenty-four hours a day using the Internet.

Learning to trade on the Forex can be easy when new investors go through an experienced broker or financial institution. Also, there are many ways to learn how to trade on the Forex using free demo accounts available on the Internet. These websites offer valuable resources and free ways for the new investor to practice using the Forex. This is very important for those who want to learn the ins and outs of crossing currency before opening an actual account. Mini Forex accounts are also a good way for the new investor to trade currency without having the risk of a regular account. A mini account allows traders to use a smaller amount of money as their initial investment.

The Euro in the Forex Markets

The Forex, also called the foreign exchange market is the largest and most liquid trading market in the world. Unlike the stock exchange, the Forex does not have a certain trading place or closing time. Instead, over $2 trillion are traded and sold every day. The Forex never closes and trading takes place twenty-four hours a day during the business week.

There are currently six major currency pairs that are used and traded each day on the Forex. These six pairs account for up to 90 percent of the trading activity each and every day. These include the euro and the US dollar (EUR/USD), the Japanese yen and the US dollar (JPY/USD), the US dollar and the Swiss Franc (USD/CHF), the Australian dollar and the US dollar (AUD/USD), the British pound and the US dollar (GBP/USD) and the US dollar and the Canadian dollar (USD/CAD).

Each of these currencies operates a little differently in the Forex and fluctuates a little on a daily basis. The Euro is very important in the foreign exchange currency. It does not just represent one country, but a total of twelve countries in Europe. The countries that are members of the European Union and recognize the Euro as currency are Austria, Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, and Sweden. Out of the fifteen members of the European Union, only two do not recognize the euro as the official currency. These are Denmark and the United Kingdom. Sweden only began using the euro in 2005.

Currently the euro is comparative to the US dollar and is worth about 90 cents to the dollar. In 1999, all of the European countries locked the value of their own currencies in relation to the euro. This means that all of the currencies were worth about the same as the euro. These countries soon began using the euro as their currency so that the money could be used across the borders and used without the need for getting other forms of currency. This transition helped make the euro worth more and become a more accepted form of currency.

The use of a single currency across many countries has both advantages and disadvantages in relation to the Forex. One of the biggest benefits of the euro is that the exchange rate is lowered, thus making investment across borders easier. There are risks in the changes in the value of the currency. This means that companies find it risky to import or export outside their currency zone and that profits could be lowered. Using a unified form of currency eliminates this worry. It creates a more risk free import and export area, which already relies heavily on intra-European exports.

Another benefit of many countries using the euro is that it eliminates the need for conversion fees. When a person or business has the need to exchange currency, there is a fee involved. Most financial institutions charge some sort of percentage for conversion and while it is a relative small amount, it adds up. Multiple changes add up all across Europe. Eliminating these fees saves the economy in the long run.

When looking at the Forex and the way the euro performs, it is also important to remember that using one form of currency creates a deeper financial market. This means that the European markets are much more liquid than in the past. There is more competition with the euro not that it is more widely accepted and used. The idea that it will created a deeper financial market means it will affect they way the consumers spend the currency all across the continent. This will in turn, lead to increased amounts of money that is spent on the stock market.

Now that the euro has become one of the major currencies in the world, trading for it and with it will increase on the Forex. The Forex is usually dominated by the US dollar, but the euro is making a strong stand. The use of this currency all over the European countries is appealing in many ways and it is widely accepted all over the world. Both businesses and individuals benefit from the use of the euro in these countries without the worry of having the exchange the money as much as in the past.

A Forex Education: Getting Started

The Forex, or foreign currency exchange, is all about money. Money from all over the world is bought, sold and traded. On the Forex, anyone can buy and sell currency and with possibly come out ahead in the end. When dealing with the foreign currency exchange, it is possible to buy the currency of one country, sell it and make a profit. For example, a broker might buy a Japanese yen when the yen to dollar ratio increases, then sell the yens and buy back American dollars for a profit.

The Forex and the stock market have some similarities, in that it involves buying and selling to make a profit, but there are some differences. Unlike the stock market, the Forex has a much high liquidity. This means, much more money is changing hands everyday. Another key difference when comparing the Forex to the stock market is that the Forex has no place where it is exchanged and it never closes. The Forex involved trading between banks and brokers all over the world and provides twenty-four hour access during the business week.

Another difference between the stock market and the Forex is that Forex trading has much higher leverage that the stock market. When someone decides to invest in the Forex, they can expect much higher profits when they are experienced and understand how it works. There can also be the potential for losing much more money as well.

For those who are just getting started in the Forex, many brokers provide the service of trading using the mini-Forex system. This has a smaller minimum deposit, usually $100. This makes it easier for those learning how to trade on the Forex to have less of a chance of losing a lot of money and to learn how the system works.

There is a lot of terminology when dealing with the Forex. Learning to trade on the Forex can be somewhat complicated for the novice trader. When looking at the names used in the Forex, a symbol is composed of two parts. The first one that is used is one currency and the second half of the symbol is the second currency that is being used. The symbol “usdjpy” means “US dollars” and Japanese yen. It is important to learn what currency symbols mean when learning about the Forex. There are many books and websites dedicated on teaching traders about using the Forex.

For those using the Forex, a broker is usually a good idea. Brokers are professionals when it comes to trading on the Forex and their experience is invaluable, especially to the new trader. When it is time to find a broker, there are several factors to consider. One thing to look for when choosing a Forex broker is to go with someone that offers low spreads. The spread is calculated in pips, or the difference between the price at which currency can be purchased and the price it can be sold at any given time. Because Forex brokers do not charge a commission, they will make their money off of the spreads, or the difference. When choosing a broker, look at this information and compare that with other brokers.

Also, when looking at a Forex broker, look for one that is backed by a well known financial institution. Forex bankers are generally associated with large banks or other types of financial institutions. If a broker is not with a large bank, keep looking. In addition, find a broker that is registered with the Futures Commission Merchant (FCM) and that is regulated by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC). Making sure that the broker is properly registered and backed by a large bank or institution ensures that you are getting a reliable broker that is experienced in trading on the Forex.

When looking for a broker, check to be certain that the broker has access to the latest research tools and data. It is important that brokers understand and have access to charts, graphs, news and data that are in real time. This will ensure that the broker is making wise decisions based on accurate Forex forecasting. Also, look for a broker that can offer a wide range of account options. They should offer mini-accounts with a smaller minimum deposits and a standard account. This will give anyone interested in the Forex the opportunity to trade at a level where they feel most comfortable.

What Is The Truth About Forex Scams?

So what are forex scams? Some people jump to the conclusion that anything that doesn't make them rich overnight is a scam. They do not want to have to spend any time developing skills - they want something that works like magic, without putting in any effort at all. That's clearly crazy. If such a thing existed, everybody would be using it ... and when you think about the economics, even if something like that was invented, it wouldn't be effective for very long.

The fact is that the money you make has to come from somewhere. Technology can improve our methods of producing goods so that everybody's standard of living improves and everybody becomes richer in real terms. However, when you are trading, gambling or doing anything else that involves 'pure money' without any goods or services being produced, then for one person to gain, another person or institution has to lose.

It is true that in currency exchange, some of the bad prices are taken by people or institutions who either do not know or do not care. Businesses who import or export goods rarely bother to try to schedule their payments for a moment when the currency rates are favorable. People taking a vacation overseas are the same. Nevertheless, there are so many people and institutions in the 'pure' forex market these days that it is simply not possible for everybody to make money from forex trading.

So when you are in an internet forum and you are trying to decide whether negative comments that you read about a product are really a sign of a scam, it is useful to picture the situation happening in the real world, i.e. offline.

Imagine you bought a book about forex from a bookstore, but the system described in it did not work for you. It might be that the methods in the book were out of date, or they might not be suitable for you for some reason. You would probably have learnt something, and you would just shrug and accept that wasn't the right system for you. You wouldn't go back into town and call the bookstore owner a scammer.

But if the bookstore was inviting everybody to pre-order a great new book on forex that was about to be published, and you and 1000 other people all handed over your cash, and the next day the store was closed and the owner had left town ... that is a scam.

A scam, according to the dictionary, is 'a fraudulent business scheme; a swindle'. A scam involves fraud and an intention to deceive. Scams are illegal. It is not correct to use this word to describe something offered and delivered in good faith.

People are very suspicious of buying online and you will often see the word 'scam' thrown around without much justification. Usually it is just a case of a frustrated customer trying to blame the product for his inability to be successful with it, or it might be something that worked at one time but is out of date or has been over-used. You wouldn't want to buy it except for historical interest but it wouldn't be right to call these systems forex scams.

How Do I Identify A Forex Scam?

There is plenty of opportunity for unscrupulous people to make money fraudulently by launching a forex scam. Unfortunately there are always people who will part with money too fast in the hope of making more. However, we cannot assume that a system has to make money for everybody using it in order to be genuine. So what are the signs of a real scam?

1. Unrealistic claims

All websites that are promoting a forex product or service will try to appeal to your wish to make money. That is what forex trading is about, after all. But if a site promises to make you millions of dollars virtually overnight no matter who you are and without requiring any work on your part, stay clear.

2. Huge earnings on trading account screenshots

It is also common for sites to provide images of their own trading account results to convince you that their system makes money. This is standard practice. A scammer will fake the screenshots using Photoshop, and it is pretty much impossible to tell.

So although having screenshots on the site is not in itself a problem, you shouldn't pay much attention to them. Even if they are not faked, you don't know that the person followed the exact system you are buying in order to obtain those results ... and even if the figures are 100% genuine, it certainly does not mean that you will achieve the same results.

3. No guarantee

There should be a money back guarantee on any product and you should not have to jump through hoops to get it. Look for a "no questions" guarantee rather than something that says you must have followed all instructions to the letter before you can qualify for a refund. Following the instructions may include investing more money than you have.

If you are buying a downloadable product such as an ebook or expert advisor, you can trust anything that is sold by Clickbank as far as refunds are concerned. Clickbank will always refund these items within 58 days of your purchase.

If you are looking at a membership site or a service, refunds on past payments may not be offered because of the time that the company will have put in to providing the service for you during the time that you were a member. However, you should check that you can cancel at any time without incurring further charges. Don't sign up for something that locks you in to a contract for 6 or 12 months.

4. Bad press in the forums

All products will show you recommendations and testimonials from satisfied customers. If you want to be sure you can ask for evidence that they are real, and a genuine business will usually find a way for you to contact the person if there is not already a link given along with the testimonial.

But even the worst trading system will have some users who were just lucky. What you want to know is what the unsatisfied customers are saying. There will be some for every product, no matter how good, and you need to find them and sift through their comments. Are they just unhappy because they didn't make a million dollars overnight, or was there a genuine problem with the product? Search for them in online forums to get a clear idea of which products are worthwhile and which ones might be a forex scam.

If You Are New To Forex, Choose Mini Forex Trading

Thursday, March 18, 2010
If you are new to forex or have only a small amount of capital available right now, mini forex trading could be the way to go for you. It allows you to trade with real money while limiting your risk to a relatively small amount. Generally the lot size of trades for a mini account is only one-tenth of the lot size for a standard account with the same broker.

Mini Forex Trading Or Demo?

Somebody starting out in forex has several options:
  1. Start out right away with live trading in a standard brokerage account, investing from $1,000 to $5,000. This is very risky for a beginner and is not recommended.
  2. Begin with live trading in a mini forex account. Generally you need $250 for these accounts but you may be able to find brokers who will let you start with even less.
  3. Start out with a demo account where you are picking up trading skills without investing any real money at all, then when you are consistently making profits, switch over to either a mini account or full brokerage account depending on your capital and your strategy.
Advantages Of A Mini Forex Trading Account

Most people choose option 3, the demo account. They feel much safer using 'toy money' online for several days, weeks or months. A demo account also gives you the opportunity to try out the various different strategies that you are probably reading about.

However there can be problems with running a demo account for too long. Some forex traders and trainers say that it lulls you into a false sense of security. It is much easier to take risks when there is no real cash involved, and you will be practicing with strategies that you may be uncomfortable using in real life trading.

So what can happen is that the demo account teaches you to make profits using medium to high risk strategies, but when you are faced with a real money situation you may lose your nerve. This usually results in poor decisions made on the spur of the moment and 'strategy hopping' where you are constantly switching from one plan to another. Losses are almost inevitable in this situation.

For this reason, some experts recommend starting with a mini account and using real money almost from the get-go. You would only use a demo account for a small number of trades to familiarize yourself with the technical side of operating your account and making trades. In this way you are likely to learn strategies that can work for you in the long term.

Disadvantages Of A Mini Trading Account

When you are trading small amounts, you must expect to pay more in percentage terms to the broker. This eats into your gains. In the long term this can have a massive effect on your results and can make the all-important difference between profit and loss. Therefore, most people operating a mini account will be aiming to switch to higher value trades as soon as they have the capital to do so.

However you choose to start, you will need to accept that forex trading is high risk by its very nature, like all forms of investment that offer the possibility of large gains in a short time. You should only invest money that you are prepared to lose if things go against you.

Starting out with a mini account can be a great way for someone who is new to forex to pick up the techniques for real. Mini forex trading could be the best way to find out for sure whether foreign exchange trading is right for you.

How Much Forex Trading Training Do I Need?

Does everybody need forex trading training or do some people have a natural talent for trading currency on the forex market? You will not be surprised to hear that nobody is born understanding all of the ins and outs of foreign exchange trading. While it is true that some kinds of experience or personality traits can be useful and can mean that you will pick it up more quickly, everybody needs some kind of training if they plan to make a profit.

But there are many kinds of training available these days and it may be hard to judge what is the best. With so many websites, blogs, articles and ebooks available on the internet, often low priced or even free, it is tempting to think that we may be able to pick up all we need to know for dirt cheap.

However, it can be a big mistake to limit yourself to this kind of piecemeal training. There are some great ebooks and free systems out there but others are outdated or never had any success at all. As a beginner you will find it hard to know which ones to trust.

Even the best ebooks generally do not cover everything you need to know. They may focus on one or two strategies that are not necessarily the best fit for your situation. The money saved on training may be lost several times over once you start currency trading for real.

In most cases you will be better advised if you sign up for formal training through a membership site. This is likely to be run by a trading group or an experienced forex trader. They will have set up a step by step process that you can work through from complete beginner to knowledgeable trader.

Beginners are usually attracted to forex by the lure of quick and easy money and most know nothing about it when they start. It is great to have a system that covers pretty much everything and someone who can answer your questions.

Many formal forex training programs have a forum where you can discuss your strategies and results with others. Sharing information in this way can be a great way to learn. In fact, in many cases the forum itself is worth the cost of membership and many people remain members after completing the program just to have this exposure to the knowledge and experience of their fellow traders.

Solid forex training is unlikely to be free except at the most basic level. If you just want to dabble in the forex market as an experiment, without caring too much whether you win or lose, you may be satisfied with free training. The best type of free training is often given a way as a teaser or taster by sites or brokers who hope you will then join them as a paying member. In fact, you can often pick up top level tips this way and a free report from a reputable trader will often be more useful and valuable than a $20 ebook.

Whatever type of training you choose, be sure to follow it exactly. Don't skip over the first steps hoping to get straight into making money - that would be a fast route to disaster. Test out the system you are being taught, either with small trades or in a demo account. Ask questions. Make sure you get every drop of wisdom from the training you have chosen so that you put yourself in the best position to turn a profit on completion of the forex trading training program.

What To Look For In A Forex Book

There is no doubt about it, forex books are very useful for the new currency trader and equally for traders who want to improve their skills with new strategies. There is a very wide variety of currency trading training resources available both online and offline these days including members-only websites, forums, online courses, seminars, conferences and even one-on-one tutoring from an experienced mentor. But there are times when a good old fashioned book is just the thing that you need.

No matter whether your currency trading book is published on paper or downloaded as an ebook, it can be the best way to learn in many circumstances. It wins over other options on both convenience and price.

You can open it up whenever you need it. You can re-read it whenever you want, repeating the more advanced passages and exercises as many times as you need to before everything is fully absorbed so that it becomes like second nature. You can also schedule your training sessions for times to suit your life.

Another advantage of forex books is that you save time by skipping over the things you already know. If you have any experience at all, going over the basics can waste a lot of your time in training that is based around seminars or even audio or video sessions online while you wait for everyone else to be shown the techniques that you have already mastered.

There are new books on forex being published almost every week, so it is useful to know what to look for and how to pick out the best. Just as with any other market where money is involved, you need to know how to identify and stay clear of any scams that you might come across. The old rule is very valid here and you may want to post it up on the side of your computer as you browse for books online: "If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is!"

Having said that, the currency trading market is a place where you can expect to find a certain amount of hype. Do not be too quick to make negative judgments just because a book or ebook is advertised with a fair amount of hard sell. Remember the advertising copy is probably written by a professional copywriter, not the author of the book.

So you can safely ignore most of the hype in the promotional advertisements and look for the things that you really need to know. These are:
  1. What areas of expertise are covered in the book.
  2. Whether it is right for you, i.e. whether it is aimed at people of your skill and experience level.
  3. What are the benefits that you personally can hope to gain from it.
The first of these should be very clear from the advertising. If it is not, try asking to view the contents index of the book. The other two points will require a closer reading of the promotional material keeping your own individual situation in mind.

If you can take a look inside the book you will soon see whether it is well written. You are looking for something that is down to earth, logical and practical. Professional presentation and editing is a good sign of a reputable and successful author or publisher. If you are a beginner you will want step by step information. In any case, hyped up language inside the book itself is definitely a warning signal.

Another thing that you should do before getting a book or ebook, even if you plan to buy in a book store, is to do internet searches on the book title and author name. Look for any news stories about the author. Is he or she a successful real life trader, or just someone hoping to make money from a lucrative trend? You need to be sure that the information in a currency trading book is good before you risk real money on the strategies it suggests.

You can also look for reviews written by buyers who are actually using the information they have learned successfully. It is true that some of these may earn a commission on sales of the book but a good review will help you figure out whether the book is right for beginner, intermediate or advanced traders, and how it fits your idea of what you need to know from forex books.

Foreign Exchange And Currency Trading Tutorials

There is a big market for currency trading tutorial material. The forex (foreign exchange) trading market is huge, and many experienced traders are now offering training to hopeful beginners or intermediate level traders who want to improve their profits. But can you expect to find good training for free, and if so, what is the best place to go to find it?

There are more and more people pouring into the forex trading sector every day. There is always money to be made and this is certain to attract large numbers. At the same time, the market is not likely to become saturated. There are so many possible trades to make between all the different currencies and banks and private individuals will always need to make currency exchanges.

So why is the forex market so profitable? The answer is that fluctuations in the exchange rates can be intense and very quick, especially in times when the world economy or the economy of a particular country is unsettled. When a country's currency is constantly changing in value, fortunes can be made in a very short time. That is, if you are lucky - or if you know what you are doing.

This means that people are constantly hungry for training materials that will help to give them an edge. They want to discover how to predict the rise and fall of the market. That is how money is made and it is a skill that can be acquired.

So why would a high earning forex trader want to spill his secrets in a currency trading tutorial?

Skilled, experienced forex traders are used to responding to a market. So when they see a demand for teaching their skills, they respond to that market too. Traders want to make money in all possible ways and those ways includes teaching others. Often when a person sets out to teach something, they end up discovering new things about the subject themselves. Or sometimes they are tired of just working with numbers all day and want to work with real people for a change!

Nevertheless, a good trader who is investing his time in providing training material will generally expect to get something back. This means that any free forex tutorial, if it is worth investing your time, will have some payback for the trader providing it somewhere down the line. Probably they will send you promotions for other products that they offer. This is not a problem of course, you will not be obligated and you can just ignore these.

This does mean that although the free tutorial may be very useful for you, it will not contain everything that the trader has to teach. He will often be holding back many secrets for his paying members or buyers.
Because of this, free forex tutorials are usually best for beginners. At that level you can learn a lot from somebody just showing you the basics. If you are new to forex it will be much better for you this way and you will be grateful that he does not confuse the issue by throwing in all his advanced strategies into the free currency trading tutorial!

What Is Currency Trading?

What is currency trading? Well, at its simplest it is exchanging one currency for another, just as you might do when going on vacation to another country. You trade your own currency for the currency of the country you are visiting.

However, when people talk about forex (foreign exchange) trading or currency trading on the forex market, they generally mean something very different. In this case traders are constantly exchanging one currency for another (buying currencies and selling others) with the aim of making a profit when the exchange rates change. 

It is a little like trading in stocks on the stock market. Stock traders usually buy and sell stocks very quickly compared with the average personal investor who will take the advice of a broker but often keep stocks for years or even decades.

How Does Currency Trading Work?

The best way to demonstrate how currency trading makes money for the traders is to use an example.

Let's say the current rate on the British pound to euro forex market is this: GBP/EUR 1.1200. That means that to buy one British pound you will need 1.12 euros. If you believed that the value of the euro was going to rise compared to the value of the pound, you might sell 100,000 pounds, buy 100,000 euros, and wait. Then let's say a few days later, the exchange rate has moved to: GBP/EUR 1.0600. Sure enough, the pound is now worth only 1.06 euros. Now if you sell your euros and buy back 100,000 pounds, you will have made a profit of 6% of your investment, less any fees.

This sounds like a huge amount of money. Who has 100,000 pounds or even dollars lying around in the bank to trade with? Not me, and I guess not you either. But fortunately, you do not have to have all that money for real. You are buying and selling at the same time, so all you need to have is enough to cover any loss that might be made before you could exit the market if your prediction was wrong and the currency that you bought started to fall. Your broker loans you the rest.

This is called trading margins. On a $100,000 trade the margin is usually 1% or 2%, i.e. $1,000 or $2,000. This is the money that you must have in your forex brokerage account.

The amount you trade is determined by 'lots'. A lot may be worth $10,000 or more depending on the currency and the broker. So if you want to trade $20,000 you would trade 2 lots and so on.

There are now limited risk accounts, where you can only risk the amount of cash you have on account with the broker, thus avoiding margin calls. This is done by allowing smaller players to trade forex using 'mini lots' or fractions of a lot. So you can trade $1,000 by trading 0.10 of a lot. This reduces risk but may cost more to trade.

More and more ordinary people are getting into currency trading these days. It has certain advantages over the stock market and even if you know nothing about valuation of the different currencies you can set up a forex robot, a complex software program that will trade for you according to the settings you choose. Keep in mind that it is a risky business and money can be lost as well as gained. Knowing what is currency trading gives you an idea of whether you want to take the next step towards becoming a currency trader.